Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] him look " in BNC.

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1 Gone was the waxed jacket and jeans , replaced by a dinner-jacket that made him look formal and distinguished — and even more dangerously attractive .
2 He collected his boarding card and found a seat in the cafeteria that allowed him to look down on the concourse .
3 He 's wearing a crisp white shirt that makes him look tanned .
4 He did not look up until he was right down in the station ; and it was a sound that made him look up .
5 I thought it was really very funny , this long straggly black hair , he looked absolutely miserable , he thought he was now spiritually calm and spiritually sane and he 's got this peculiar thing on his head that makes him look so daft .
6 Tom , meanwhile , has binned the thigh-slapping choreography that made him look like an excited primate and opted instead for more engaging shapes akin to those thrown by a boxing kangaroo .
7 Kite , one of the few golfers to have had any success with switch-hitting on the greens , came out this year with a compact whip-and-zip to his swing that made him look like one of those little mechanical Arnold Palmer golf games that were so popular in the 1960s ( and have recently surfaced again ) .
8 Philip was tall with curly black hair and a little moustache that made him look old-fashioned .
9 Was that how he had developed the deep tan that made him look somehow so vital ?
10 The same applied to her cousin Bean but Jazz , if he had never ridden before , had a natural balance that made him look positively accomplished beside the other two .
11 In the centre of the road was a six-foot colour portrait of President Assad , an artist 's impression of the Syrian leader in air force uniform that made him look like an elderly Battle of Britain pilot , eyes narrowed against the sun , gaze fixed on the heavens .
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