Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] they [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Girls can be encouraged to take modules in technology without feeling they are committing themselves to two years ' or more work ; low achieving pupils can take a range of modules without suffering the indignity of following a programme that marks them out as ‘ different ’ .
2 While it is true that cause could be inserted in ( 134 ) , it is significant that the writer has used make with a subject ( " enzymes " ) which actively produces chemical reactions and is even described in the same sentence as an agent that speeds them up .
3 Apparently it was Miles ' fishing that got them up so early .
4 The surge that brought them forward had cut them off .
5 No it is n't erm and erm even those who in , in my experience who did get through there was just an occasional er time when they did n't pass that part of it , they , they , they , they could n't quite manage that , the height side frightened them and er they failed , erm so there 's quite a lot of demands on them and I 'm sure that a lot of women could do it and a lot of women if they had the chance would do it or would , if they were willing to do it , but it 's not something that grabs most women , I do n't think it does , I think it 's the physical side that puts them off , and that is what is the problem with the Fire Service , it is a physical job .
6 Rather like the children we were discussing earlier in this chapter it is possible to meet elderly people who have achieved a serenity of understanding and/or faith that supports them utterly as they develop the skill of coming towards the end of their life .
7 And I bet it was his hair that put them off .
8 In consequence , there are many single wavenumber patterns , some of them of a complexity that makes them not instantly recognizable as such ; for example , one of them is a hexagonal pattern rather like Fig. 4.9 .
9 It 's a fast-paced , illuminating and frequently hilarious show , but the portrait is left incomplete by the short shrift given to film of Fishbone onstage — surely the one place where their controlled chaos makes perfect sense — and a surprising lack of emphasis on the political apoplexy that makes them so fascinating .
10 They became great friends and when they did that film in Africa they had a 15-hundredweight truck behind them absolutely full of whisky that followed them everywhere they went .
11 They are scholars , mystics and sorcerers without peer , but are affected by a languor that means they rarely bestir themselves except for the most pressing and dire of circumstances .
12 One way to ward off these unwelcome little indicators of stress would seem obvious — immediately give up the exercise that brings them on , and reach for a stiff , hugely relaxing drink .
13 Despite the vast edifice that they built up on extremely shaky premises the phrenologists were socially-committed men , with an interest in holistic medicine and a shrewdness that served them well when they ran their fingers over somebody 's skull in pursuit of character .
14 Their feedback-drenched fog makes it almost impossible to discern anything resembling a tune , and each song coasts along for upwards of five minutes — but it 's precisely their avoidance of career-minded polish that makes them so invigorating .
15 It was not just the Iraqis ' perfidy that did them down .
16 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
17 But the fifteen that stayed and played on Saturday typified the courage that pulled them out of the gloom .
18 What is it about the changes that occur in a crossroads period that mark them out as structural changes , distinct from the movement and change experienced during the intervening years ?
19 Through his haze , Charles realised that it was n't just the crisis that made them so deferential ; it was the part he was now playing , too .
20 They both agreed that if you could n't enjoy yourself on the way , what was the point in running a business that afforded them so much freedom to travel ?
21 What we have tonight is a labour group that says they no longer believe in that philosophy .
22 What if the rain increased and they were trapped underground by a flood that washed them away down one of those awful little squeezes ?
23 Rainwater , driven off the highway , fell in a solid wall that cut them off from any view of the outside world .
24 Delaney and Forster were engulfed in a hammering storm of water that forced them almost to their knees .
25 She felt her body , the sweat that held them together , Nathan 's heart beating frantically against her chest .
26 The second type of explanation suggests that these people have some sort of defect that makes them less able to cope with environmental chemicals .
27 This interchange of visual ideas permeates every facet of the weaver 's art , and is one of the prime reasons why all oriental rugs , regardless of their compositional differences , possess an underlying character that sets them apart from hand-made rugs produced in other areas of the world .
28 Even in the Elizabethan and Stuart era rural communities in certain regions such as the West Riding of Yorkshire or the West Midlands had an industrial character that marked them off from the societies that have so far been described .
29 And the bond that binds them together is the dynamic concept of the rule of God .
30 My concentrated butter sauce that makes them so
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