Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The cleft that Roland made is 300 feet deep , half that many long and from 130 to 190 feet wide .
2 The ingredient that champions have is that they practice what they need to learn . ’
3 City have slumped to halfway after three defeats on the trot and it is doubtful whether the recovery will start at Maine Road today against a Villa side that Reid acknowledges is ‘ brilliantly balanced right through ’ .
4 More and more , the environmental harm that ministers discuss is global or regional , not national .
5 The most important category that Axelrod recognizes is ‘ nice ’ .
6 A decision that jurisdiction exists is always a logically necessary precondition to the exercise of jurisdiction : because it is logically prior to the exercise of jurisdiction , it can not in itself be part of the exercise of jurisdiction .
7 The work that Levi valued is of an order to which Auschwitz — with the lying motto over its gates , Arbeit macht frei — was built to be antithetical .
8 Clearly the work that people do is determined by the level of technology which is related to overall wealth .
9 Referring to testing I observed that , ‘ a reflex anti-testing reaction would be dismissed as naïve and the sort of soft headedness that hard-liners think is at the root of the problem ’ , but observed that , ‘ effective , constructive , diagnostic testing is expensive and poor testing could distort the curriculum and demoralise learners . ’
10 And er of course the point that Jack makes is the the point that brings them to faith is the work of the Holy Spirit , and not the work of anybody else .
11 Another point that Smith highlights is the obsession of the current research councils with molecular biology , the assumption being that all research on other topics is inconsequential .
12 The joy that Jesus brings is the joy of sharing and receiving love in the mercy of God .
13 The principal distinction that Anderson makes is between capitalism and pre-capitalist social formations :
14 Haughey told the conference that Fianna Fáil 's aim over the next decade was to create a new , enlightened , open , Irish society .
15 Blackcaps have begun wintering in the British Isles , instead of Spain , a change in migratory behaviour that scientists suggest is linked to global warming .
16 The sensation of moving freely in three dimensions in the clear sunlit water that corals favour is , in itself , a bewitching and other-worldly one .
17 Another example : the empowerment that cities crave is a share of the taxes raised in their rich suburbs .
18 For instance there is electronic software distribution , an area that Legent reckons is set to explode over the next five years .
19 There can be a sharp discrepancy between the degree of freedom and dignity that workers believe they deserve and the control that employers think is necessary for their authority to be maintained .
20 Similarly , a realist claim that electrons exist is a claim not about the instrumental observations or theoretical predictions of physics but about an independent world which physics investigates .
21 The example that Manne uses is as follows :
22 Between now and then , the row that biotechnology generates is going to make everyone think anew about what animals are for .
23 The academic point that the proposed increase did not , in fact , make good the shortfall that beneficiaries suffered is left to one side .
24 We do not wish to commit the mistake that Woolgar believes is widespread in social science : namely , of suggesting that the only knowledge which is not subject to the influence of contingent historical , cultural , and social processes is that which we ourselves have written ( Woolgar 1988b ) .
25 The mistake that Jencks makes is to assume that the changes in the political settlement will be led from the top by George Bush , and will precede the war .
26 If the world that science investigates is largely a social construction then the history of science may show change but it will not show progress .
27 The last thing that manufacturing wants is a Government who adopt the European social charter which would destroy the advantage that we have in the west midlands .
28 The first thing that Britain needs is a new model for sector skills training .
29 And in fact by far the most dangerous thing that cavers do is drive . ’
30 Not only does this mean that science is handled by a senior member of the Canadian cabinet — a tax lawyer who once said that the last thing that Canada needs is more tax lawyers — but also it means that science and technology are seen as a part of the process of economic development .
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