Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First , when there has been confrontation , it has been religion that has yielded in the end .
2 At the same time , a nasty backward glance , a creeping suspicion suggested a consultation with Anderson might have been a wise idea before taking the practical action that had ended in such discouraging disaster …
3 This may be faster but it leads to a kicking action that tends to collide with the opponent 's leading knee rather than pass over it .
4 Quite the opposite to the calm peacefulness that had existed in Heymouth prior to the flood .
5 The close association that has existed over many years between geophysicists and engineering geologists in multidisciplinary projects at BGS will be enhanced by bringing these staff into one group .
6 Formulation of Labour Government policies to support the Third Pillar — the projection and protection of British interests overseas — needed least reorientation of traditional British military thinking that had evolved from three centuries of global geo-political experience .
7 Picking up the card that had come with them , she read :
8 I have read carefully the reasons given for the record levels of inward investment that has come into the United Kingdom , including Wales .
9 First , it focuses on those aspects of emotion that have to do with prevailing mood , especially changes associated with feelings of depression and elation , though also including other emotional reactions , such as general irritability .
10 The ragged plea hit a nerve that seemed connected to her soul .
11 I think there will be a huge sigh of relief that the axe that had hung over people 's heads from December through 'til now has gone .
12 The rest of the day was n't very clear to Benny because of the heavy cloud of disappointment that seemed to hang over the whole proceedings .
13 We are about to write to every club that 's registered with us , tough on those that have n't , er that to er to , to , to come and er er fill in a form and get grant aid .
14 The company is also planning a major investment programme that includes moving to a new £24m building in Wythall , on the outskirts of Birmingham in 1994 .
15 There is nothing philosophical about this in itself , but it begins to create the habit of mind that begins to take for granted the natural superiority of science and rational thinking .
16 This patient also had a serum gastrin concentration that had increased from 710 to 1550 pmol/l .
17 ‘ And in a perverse way this is something which may be helpful because they are now beginning to appreciate more clearly the fear that has existed within the Protestant community for the past 20 years as they have been killed at random by the IRA , ’ he added .
18 He smiled then , lightening the tension that had grown between them .
19 With the milled edge of the coin he chipped at the red-brown crust that had formed between the lower lip of the cap of the bolt and the metal sheet plate of the carriage flooring .
20 We 're quite content that we 're going to have to er put before the local plan system the the countervailing issues and the weight that 's given to the countryside through E two is appropriate in the circumstances .
21 In translating the original constant price figure for the department that had appeared in the public expenditure White Paper into the new cash limit figure , the Treasury estimated the likely price and wage increases for the year ahead .
22 Now , part of that might just have purely the ritual that 's associated with things like coronations and investitures , but surely if people had felt so strongly about it they would n't have turned out in such numbers , er to support her .
23 He was aware that it was trite , but the alternative was to express the scepticism that had grown inside him in the intervening days .
24 At the outset of their research , messrs Deakins and Hussain believed : ‘ there is a paucity of qualitative research that attempts to look at the relationship between the bank manager and the small business owner and the importance of different reasons for accepting and rejecting propositions that come before the banks .
25 Ball was the first amateur and the first Englishman to win the Open , at Prestwick in 1890 , but the kind of loving research that has to go into books of this type invariably makes fascinating reading .
26 This brief contribution simply highlights the lack of research that has gone into the social , cultural and linguistic needs of the adult minorities .
27 This finding corresponds with research that has concentrated on early retirement ( McGoldrick and Cooper 1980 ; Parker 1980 ; and in France , Cribier 1981 ; Gaullier 1982 ) and withdrawal from the labour market through the job release scheme ( Makeham and Morgan 1980 : 14 ) , but we do not know how many of those older workers with poor health would have been fit enough to continue working if the plant had not closed .
28 Yet , judging by the earnest discussions going on around her , the melancholy theme seemed to have had the effect of switching everyone 's thoughts away from the actual tragedy that had happened in their midst .
29 No , not entirely , Alice thought , remembering Jules 's reference to the gossip that had circulated among the staff at the salon .
30 As she crossed the street towards the far corner by the church entrance , the young woman was careful to step over the littering of prawn shells and orange peel , fish tails and broken heads of artichoke that had accumulated in the numerous depressions afforded by the badly laid cobbles .
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