Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [noun] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The official American view was reflected in a report compiled for the American Navy Department that Rhee and his Korean colleagues were ‘ frustrated and unemployed men ’ .
2 At first sight the microscope would seem to be just the sort of classical measuring instrument that Bohr and his friends had in mind .
3 The two girls were both on night duty and they waited in vain all night , hoping against hope that Steve and his crew had perhaps been forced down somewhere , but by the time dawn came up and there was still no news , they realised he was just another casualty .
4 The proposal that Hartle and I made can be paraphrased as : The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary .
5 The work that Penrose and I did showed that they would continue to collapse until they reached a singularity of infinite density .
6 The wife and child that Tod and I will one day have .
7 This is the great discovery that Rutherford and his erm collaborators made forty/fifty years ago .
8 On Dec. 10 it was agreed to abandon the Self Defence Forces bill ; in return , the opposition withdrew its insistence that Miyazawa and his aides testify , and agreed to an extension of the Diet session until Dec. 21 in order to allow sufficient time to pass a supplementary budget .
9 Gambling and crowd disorder was customary but there is no question that Clarke and his boys were missionaries .
10 It was to building this basis that Lazarsfeld and his colleagues devoted much of their energies .
11 I thought , well Mari would be the very last place that Marion and I would want to go to !
12 It was in this period that Fleischmann and he began to discuss projects , but they did not start working on any until Pons joined the University of Utah , moving to Salt Lake City in 1983 .
13 For Pateman , participatory democracy hinges on the premise that individuals and their institutions can not be placed apart .
14 Having reluctantly cleared me of the charge of indulging in orgies with my entire sales force , you seem to have got it into your head that Lexy and I are carrying on some kind of affair .
15 But , even when we have made allowance for the exaggerated impressions of a boy of fifteen , recollected many years later , it may be taken as evidence that Lanfranc and his handful of monks from Bec and Caen met not only with hostility , but also with a good deal of successful resistance .
16 ‘ Do n't be a fool — it 's the legend that counts and we 'll feed it to the media .
17 Friends said last night that Cleese and his new bride had decided Barbados was the perfect place for the wedding after holidaying there .
18 He was the smallest boy in the class and he prayed every night that God and His Angels would help him to grow .
19 The news that Karen and I were married was made public at a buffet brunch given by Thomas and Lynn Carter to which we had been invited — or rather Karen had been invited , and had asked if it would be all right to bring me along .
20 This was stated clearly in the paper that Thonemann and his team published in Nature on 25 January 1958 : ‘ To identify a thermonuclear process it is necessary to show that random collisions in the gas between deuterium ions are responsible for the nuclear reactions .
21 If the theory that DNA and its copying machinery arose spontaneously is so improbable that it obliges us to assume that life is very rare in the universe , and may even be unique to Earth , our first resort is to try to find a more probable theory .
22 She takes a sip of mineral water before launching into James Woods and his girlfriend , Sarah Owen : ‘ I 've a theory that James and his girlfriend had so many problems they had to turn it all on me . ’
23 Lindsey recalls that his first flight in the Corsair was , to say the least , interesting : ‘ On the morning that John and I had arranged to do the conversion , the weather was decidedly bad with poor visibility .
24 I often wondered whether Bill were not a little jealous of the past that Irina and I shared .
25 This is the " " noble kyn " " of Symkyn 's wife and their daughter that Symkyn and his wife are so proud of .
26 I think it makes sense that Herta and I should get to know each other in this way .
27 One must look at the quality of life that diabetics and their carers have .
28 Another thing that Lil and I have in common : we have always conducted our-wildly different — love lives according to the premise that one should Leave Them Wanting More .
29 Well it makes me very bitter because the , this is the sort of thing that John and I we were going over one thing after the other .
30 Secondly , to refuse to pay would be to deny the exalted status that Ephron and his fellow Hittites have accorded him .
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