Example sentences of "[noun sg] he would have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He gave a little sigh of resignation as he thought of it : to continue the search he would have to go to Italy .
2 ‘ For this wedding he would have to save for many years .
3 The client was dissatisfied with the amount of maintenance he would have to pay .
4 Walking on it safely was a skill he would have to relearn .
5 ‘ I told him if he wanted to be a great athlete he would have to stop chasing them . ’
6 In those days he contemplated the idea that if the Church abandoned that inheritance he would have to resign his see .
7 Pilger would be allowed to be editor in chief , but to take the job he would have to resign from the Board of Directors .
8 For safety he would have to strike out for the far bank from a point less than fifty yards below the bridge and the current was gaining strength .
9 One day he would have to kill this man , admire him or not .
10 This very day he would have to look these murderers in the face , the murderers of his youth !
11 At the time , though , he was not aware — could never have been aware — of the extraordinary service he would have to render as the quid pro quo of the agreement .
12 That was nearly one-third of his holding , but if he wanted Una O'Malley that was the price he would have to pay .
13 In order to keep the island he would have to raise the money and complete building within five years .
14 But in a pragmatist society he would have to predict whether the judges would be likely to consider his case as one in which the virtues of predictability were less important than the substance of the law , and whether , if they thought substance more important , they would think a decision for him better or worse for the community .
15 The under sheriff must hold on to the balance for 14 days in case any steps should be taken to make the defendant bankrupt , in which case he would have to pay the money he has recovered to the receiver .
16 For instance he would have to pay the equivalent of the rent during the period of his occupation between the date of the order and the date of giving up possession .
17 The right hon. Gentleman has said that in reaching his decision he would have to take account of the quality of the representations .
18 For one thing he would have to acknowledge that Sarah was not barren , so it must be his own fault she had n't given him children .
19 The ordinary Egyptian could not write and if he wished to send a letter he would have to get a scribe to write it for him .
20 The moment was exciting and he wanted to prolong it — to think of himself as capable of taking up such an offer — though he knew that in the end he would have to decline it .
21 ‘ What will they do to you after I am gone ? ’ he exclaimed , and told Cranmer that he should change the crane on his coat of arms to a pelican , for like this bird he would have to give his life for his child , the English Church .
22 The results of the first two years really did not warrant such astronomical sums and Dennis knew that the following year he would have to pay Prost a sum equal to his evident worth .
23 A reader , disgruntled in large proportion , sat down to work out how much of his salary he would have to hand over to the Inland Revenue heavy mob for the past year .
24 Compagnie des Machines Bull SA 's managing director , Bernard Pache , said in a committee meeting between labour and management last week that without doubt he would have to cut employee levels further .
25 He would have to bind the boy while he slept , for in time he would have to sleep .
26 Thank God , that was the last time he would have to do it ; after this he would go as an executive , by aircraft and helicopter only .
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