Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [vb past] [subord] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 This imperative he saw as disclosing three ‘ postulates of practical reason ’ , three presuppositions or fundamental conditions without which the categorical imperative itself would lack any ultimate basis .
2 Now , in the privacy of the bedroom of his personal suite , swiftly and silently he began to change into the black clothing he wore when prowling the night for victims .
3 He derides particularly the Dedlock family portraits : ‘ The whole race he represented as having evidently been , in life , what he called ‘ stuffed people ’ , — a large collection , glassy eyed , set up in the most approved manner on their various twigs and perches , very correct , perfectly free from animation , and always in glass cases . ’
4 It was the feeling he got while watching out for the bookies when the police were in the area .
5 — Peter Sellers , telling reporters of a heart attack he had while making love to Britt Ekland .
6 FIREFIGHTERS yesterday freed a four-year-old who trapped his thumb in the bracket of a car wing mirror he found while playing .
7 When Yorkshire Television 's documentary on asbestos showed a 10-year-old boy dying horribly of mesothelioma probably ( or even possibly ) caused by the asbestos he breathed while watching his father change asbestos-lined brake shoes , it does the asbestos industry no good at all to point out that the risk of contracting mesothelioma is quite low .
8 Alan White came from Gloucester and married a nursing sister he met while serving in Cyprus .
9 It was a technique he employed when grilling a suspect he knew well .
10 Mark , who worked at investment house Foreign & Colonial , evaluates all the ideas with the same attention to the bottom line he used when looking at applications to provide venture capital .
11 My most vivid recollection is a gesture he made when getting me to describe my fiancée .
12 Cities and community structure he saw as reflecting both the instinctive or natural forms of individual and group behaviour and the various forms of conscious social behaviour .
13 The £650,000 signing from Leeds could step into the first team if midfielder Steve Hodge fails to recover from the hamstring injury he suffered while training with England last weekend .
14 West will again have Paul Pook at lock , with Peter Robinson in the back row , and they expect winger Dave Cooke to have recovered from an injury he suffered while guesting for Middlesbrough last Saturday .
15 And sadly , Olympic rowers are n't the only ones feeling the pinch … on the eve of a new international rugby season Gloucester 's World Cup hero Mike Teague is seeking compensation from the sport 's governing body Iron man Mike claims the shoulder injury he suffered while playing for England has stopped him from working as a builder and he 's lost between three and five thousand pounds in earnings .
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