Example sentences of "[noun sg] i always [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What amazes me is how often they 'll say to me ‘ Thank you very much for treating me like a human being ’ because however drunk they are in the churchyard I always believe that you 're much more likely to get somewhere with somebody if you are polite and kind to them and treat them like a real human being , and you can get into all sorts of fascinating conversations with these people even when they are fairly drunk , because actually they are real human beings , they are n't awful people .
2 When I was a little lad I always thought that the dilemma to be or not to be had something to do with choosing pencils ( surely 2B or not 2B ? ! )
3 But I 'll say is it on the gardening page , is it on the letters page , pray for the sports page I always say and people look at me quite you know with a quite a look on their face when I sort of say that and I 'm absolutely serious , I 'll say you know if you get a four paragraph story on the gardeners ' page , you 're home .
4 He showed me the location of Bentwaters in the old AA Book of the Road I always carried and then bought the two ounces of Red from me at four times what I 'd agreed to pay for it .
5 For this reason I always emphasise that if , as you complete the final turn , you are happy that you have got the field ‘ made ’ , you should always open full airbrake for a few moments to check that you would undershoot with that setting .
6 They ask me , Is that your writing ? and it is of course it is those are Despot control codes from when the computer 's mouse was misbehaving and that 's the way I always spell when I do a shopping list .
7 Wapping : My Lord , this is the way I always stand And have stood so for 60 years or more .
8 It is exactly the sort of corkscrew I always use but the room was so dark and I so flurried that I drove it in sideways and broke the cork .
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