Example sentences of "[noun sg] i have be [art] " in BNC.

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1 All my life I have been a close , but detached , observer of the crofting scene .
2 All my life I have been a 7ft woman trying to get out . ’
3 All my life I have been a man who scorned distraction !
4 ‘ Obviously the thing I have is the looks , which will help , but hopefully people will like the music too ’
5 ‘ Obviously the thing I have is the looks , which will help , but hopefully people will like the music too . ’
6 I told you before — the only harem I have is a working one .
7 Space is limited and the only other tank I have is a 21″ cube and I ca n't put him in there because it contains two small G. jurupari , a pair of G. brasiliensis , a pair each of Crenicara filamentosa , Cichlasoma sajica and Butterfly Rams , and an Ancistrus .
8 In which time I have been a victim of the clique set , if your face does n't fit , your training can wait ; also the ‘ Hooray Henry ’ brigade , the difference between the men and the boys is the price of their toys , types .
9 Although I have been billed as a " computer man " — I have been employed in the computer marketing and services side of IBM for 17 years — for over half this time I have been a line manager .
10 ‘ Cara , this time I have been the one wrestling with the problem of trust .
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