Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [verb] i was " in BNC.

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1 Once I reached the ski-road I thought I was ‘ home and dry ’ , until turning a bend I was confronted by a bull .
2 Of course I wish I was a boy .
3 The first time i spotted a puffin I thought I was seeing things .
4 At first glance I thought I was looking at a cross between a gibbon and a goat .
5 As a P.C. I felt I was not a success .
6 We went into my room at last , with our arms round each other , and in the doorway I stopped dead because I 'd forgotten what Toby had said about John and for a second I thought I was in the wrong room .
7 And er during the time I was in in Albert Street although I was still very interested in the union and on the committee I think I was president or vice president at the time , there the job for a local organizer come up .
8 For a moment I thought I was with Alan Bennett .
9 From the moment I arrived I was immensely impressed by the pomp and the ceremony which surrounded my uncle as Viceroy , fascinated by the splendour of the bodyguard , and the varied liveries and elaborate turbans of the doorkeepers , messengers , coachmen , household servants and other functionaries .
10 ‘ I have a machine , ’ I faltered , but from the look in her eye I knew I was defeated .
11 The first lecture I gave I was going on about the different approaches to psychology .
12 But towards the end of my anorexic period I think I was verging upon mental illness in the sense that even those who disbelieve in it might accept , that is , I had become out of touch with reality as perceived by others and unable to cope with demands of everyday life .
13 For a while I felt I was in heaven , eating and drinking in the warm , pretty room , with kind Miss Temple and Helen .
14 But in a little while I knew I was to have a child . ’
15 I still kept the idea of being a lawyer through studying at night school , but , after a short while I decided I was really going to follow up a boxing career .
16 I was shaking and sweating so much in the confessional I thought I was going to faint .
17 One night I dreamed I was a butterfly and , upon waking , was never able to discern whether I was a man who had dreamed that he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming that he was a man .
18 That night I dreamed I was on a ship again , and Alec was captain .
19 Three helico , oh , or helicopters went over three times in the night I thought I was gon na raped and pillaged but no luck !
20 The night I arrived I was walking around the streets on my own looking for work .
21 Last night I dreamt I was eating a rubber NME .
22 As the train approached Edinburgh 's Caledonian Station I found I was as nervous as on my first journey to Bletchley .
23 LOURDES is a very special place , there I felt humble and I had a realisation that no matter what pain or trouble I had I was by no means alone .
24 This attitude is not uncommon but it was new to me , as were a good many of Sophie 's ideas , and because of its novelty I think I was unconsciously moulded by it : I had begun to see Richard as someone to be ‘ got round ’ , a duped enemy rather than a husband .
25 Sometimes when I see Panna with her baby I wish I was a woman and had a husband and a child .
26 In a fitful sleep I dreamt I was swimming through drowned villages .
27 A tranquil mood had come over me , and for this reason I believe I was again motoring very slowly — probably at no more than fifteen miles per hour .
28 The next thing I knew I was looking straight up the barrel of this gun because the Fairey Fox was no more than 12ft away from the cabin and the pilot was very annoyed .
29 I just slipped , next thing I knew I was down here ; funny thing is , it do n't really hurt — I ca n't feel much at all . ’
30 The next thing I knew I was on the floor . ’
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