Example sentences of "[noun sg] i [verb] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I plead guilty , partly , but in my defence I want to return to the point I signalled earlier , that a biographical approach has more political justification if the project being undertaken is one concerned with the cultural history of a marginalized group .
2 The other story I recall to mind about this time is that Cranwell in those days must have been the coldest spot south of the Arctic Circle and the ration of coal to fire the single stove in a billet of 22 erks took little account of the temporary hutment , Some genius had laid down that the ration of coal would he 1lb of coal every other day was sufficient to ward off armies of brass monkeys that descended on Cranwell in winter .
3 He took me down for many terrible half-hours beneath the floorboards , beneath the joists , with cord or cable in his questing hand ; the platonic darkness of this underworld became a figure for our nightlife , candle-lit , torchbeam-pierced ; our old existence I came to picture as a boundless cathedral of light .
4 But the contract I agreed to sign on behalf of Jean-Claude was a very different one from the one M. Chaillot had intended me to sign .
5 You know , just in case I need to get in touch . ’
6 Now we 've all seen the intestacy there 's another little bit I like to deal with at this point er which is to do with inheritance tax .
7 After a fruitless hour I decided to go on the stick .
8 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
9 And of course I had to go on the carpet about that , for laughing .
10 So the two of us went off to Peel and er anyway they paid us , they paid for our lunch and er and so that was alright and of course I had to go in the witness box , you see and swear on the bible , you know , the whole truth , nothing but the truth , you see .
11 And of course I had to admit in front of everyone that I did n't .
12 ‘ Of course I want to listen to what 's going on .
13 ‘ Of course I want to come with you , ’ she told him .
14 ‘ Hmm , maybe , ’ replied Rachel thoughtfully , then , changing the subject , she said , ‘ I think I 'll go to lunch now , then later this afternoon I want to get in a quick swim . ’
15 Our hair became longer and — in police terms — almost verged on the wild , confirming Hallpike , ( 1969 : 260 ) , who argued : ‘ the hypothesis I wish to advance in this article [ is ] that long hair is associated with being outside society and that the cutting of hair symbolizes re-entering society , or living under a particularly disciplinary regime within society … .
16 ‘ But it was just a decision I had to make under the circumstances I was given .
17 It was , in fact , never suggested , never a decision I had to think about .
18 At the hedge marking the foot of the field I have to look for a minute to find a way through .
19 The first opportunity I got to look at this stuff is on Sunday on the library
20 That is the only correction I wish to submit to table nine yes .
21 My peg was on a gravel point , it looked perfect for the stick float but as I was fishing for a good weight I opted to start on the feeder .
22 IN this chapter I want to search with you for the spirit of place , to conjure up the spirit that will give life and breath to descriptions of places .
23 In this chapter I want to concentrate on the response of community educators , particularly their reaction to the problems and issues facing the working class .
24 That 's the only fault I have to find with these activities .
25 In the middle of our talk I began to speak as if to some demon , telling him to hold his tongue and not interrupt my talk , and let me serve these gentlemen for it was already late .
26 Then , looking at me : ‘ It 's just an errand I have to run for … somebody .
27 After the wedding I came to live in Baldersdale , at the next farm to Hannah .
28 Mummy I have to go to drama class .
29 oh tell mummy I want to play on the bikes
30 I found a pattern of hers , jacket in white in that bag what for a cardigan I wanted to do for school
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