Example sentences of "[noun sg] it could [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Charles 's appointments were of better men , but he used Laud , Williams , Juxon and others as his highest secular officials ; in that capacity it could hardly be expected that they would not be the subject of the same Parliamentary criticism as were laymen .
2 As seen , Lord Greene M.R. in the Wednesbury case conceived of unreasonableness in its substantive sense , as a long stop and a fairly extreme one at that : if an exercise of discretion successfully negotiated the hurdles of improper purpose and relevancy it could still be invalidated on the altar of substantive unreasonableness if it was so unreasonable that no reasonable body could reach such a decision .
3 Some legal experts held that , even if the death sentence were reintroduced , under Peruvian law it could not be passed retroactively on Guzmán .
4 It was a bit of a Catch 22 situation because without signing the car could not be tested and without a test it could not be driven on the road . ’
5 There was only one young lady it could conceivably be ; and yet was that possible ?
6 ‘ It 's some consolation that it has been found but it 's a shame it could n't be retrieved in time for Remembrance Sunday .
7 It was based , because in the then state of medical opinion it could not be otherwise , upon the concept of the district general hospital , with the full range of specialities .
8 With a depth of 121 fathoms ( 726 ft ) at this point it could hardly be a family of trout out for a finny stroll , he remarked .
9 One of the one of the difficulties is that that that theatres up and down the country have faced over the last two years of the new target that were brought in with the eighty eight education act where schools were not allowed to make a charge it could only be a voluntary contribution now the council of Great Britain have looked at this it 's a problem cos of this decimated schools audiences .
10 It was the eternal noise at that bend in the river , but on a normal day it could n't be heard here .
11 It was agreed by the parties that if the proviso on its true construction operated as a restraint of trade it could not be justified on the ground of reasonableness .
12 For one of Karl Barth 's disposition it could never be said that because something has been perceived to be natural by humankind , therefore it is the will of God .
13 Unfortunately because of its size it could not be erm reproduced quickly this morning .
14 Of course it could n't be that Nick had been relieved .
15 I got the old metal detected on , but , of course it could always be a bit of grit in it could n't it
16 The country was sunk too deep in chaos to be dragged out of it ; the climate of violence was such that voting would be impossible ; intimidation by the ruling Cambodian People 's Party ( CPP ) meant that if there were an election it could not be free and fair .
17 If you can forget about the row of portaloos in the background it could almost be the real thing .
18 Bacteriologists immediately recognised that it gave them a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary processes governing bacterial resistance — as a synthetic antibiotic it could not be influenced by preexisting resistance genes .
19 That way — or so she said — it would be protected in a way it could n't be on its own , because the group had so many different irons in the fire .
20 Maria said vehemently , her thoughts flying briefly to Rachel , for whom marriage was a trap in a way it could never be for Florian .
21 This year it could well be the turn of the talented nine year old whose main target has been glory at Aintree .
22 To that extent it could well be said , and indeed I do find and hold , that the effectiveness of the first part of the order takes away the substance , as it were , of the whole order .
23 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
24 By this stage it could fairly be said that women had gained a footing in the Edinburgh book-houses .
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