Example sentences of "[noun sg] it 's [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Kersey said : ‘ So Matthew married Alfred ’ girlfriend after getting her pregnant ; not exactly fraternal conduct , but as a motive for murder it 's surely worn a bit thin after thirty years . ’
2 PS. it 's great served with cream ( watch those hips ) or yoghurt .
3 Right so so no mail in connection with the assignment is sent to your home it 's always sent to the er .
4 No , no , you see it 's the fact that you 're working , your conditions , your environment , if you 're working in a certain place it 's almost built up in the beginning .
5 You 've got to push down on the bike to get your seating right so when you 're on the throttle it 's all hooked up together .
6 So it 's argued that it 's frustrating to the er to the electant It 's also argued as well that the frequency of elections tends to produce lower turn outs .
7 The Bank along with Jimmy Hill Have shaken on a deal , With common aims and much good will It 's virtually sealed .
8 But in your case it 's well needed .
9 Erm I mean kids can do , of a similar age , can do enormously abusive things to each-other in which case it 's often thought of as things like bulling or erm or or something like that y'know I mean for example I know somebody who attende was educated at Rugby and you know he was he was buggered silly by the other boys who also wired him up to the mains and stuck billiard cues up his bum and all sort of things .
10 I mean , of course it 's always done that , but now , with you telling me to look at it , this seems the most noteworthy feature , this clench . ’
11 Now the G M B parliamentary group is a powerful and influential organization it 's well balanced between front-benchers and back-benchers , between men and women and between the youthful and , how shall I put it , the more experienced and as you would expect , its members are prominent in the attack on this weak , incompetent , and rudderless Conservative government .
12 No , no , it , it got oh er erm for other some local teams if have a final it 's sometimes played down there .
13 ‘ But for a woman in your profession it 's probably required . ’
14 and people like that , but er , I believe that the , the way it 's actually organized is different .
15 You ca n't adjust it , it 's way it 's originally designed and made .
16 And in the nineteen thirties America went into the worst economic depression it 's ever seen and the state governments were literally overwhelmed by the economic hardship and the economic problems and the federal government came galloping to the rescue .
17 So , and dad it 's also used for paint , paper , pottery
18 In America , as long as you 're having a good time right now , it 's valid ; if in the next century it 's all forgotten , then that 's okay too .
19 Orcadian dialect it 's often said has no words of endearment no dears or darlings but I think perhaps came as near to it as any word .
20 erm on balance it 's best left on and to just
21 A good idea is to attach stickers announcing when the last change was made : otherwise , you can be running a clapped-out tube at the very time it 's most needed .
22 to these ideas , launch another war but it 's always a just war , this time it 's always justified
23 In fact it 's probably used more now than it was when it was a school . ’
24 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
25 If you have n't done this , if you have n't found out exactly what people need to know , the danger is that when you actually start to put together some material it 's very hit or miss is n't it ?
26 Actually , on stage it 's also mixed because I put one Fender cab on top and a Marshall cab on the bottom and then a Marshall cab on top and a Fender cab on the bottom .
27 That means imperialism means in a way they 're the French market it 's well known , and , makes itself sell at much a than in its , in its own country , so you can say that for example Thompson has a monopoly tower , most European and have a monopoly tower
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