Example sentences of "[noun sg] it [adv] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While it was doubtless a noble religion it still had a greater contribution to make to humanity .
2 Still in a spending mood it extensively refurbished the bar , extending it into what was then the major part of the lounge , which had itself been refurbished in 1974 .
3 Its drawbacks were obvious , but so long as the tsar sought noble acquiescence in reform it probably represented the only sort of emancipation which had a chance of reaching the statute book .
4 As a body it naturally reflected the dominant interests in society , though it was prone to being strongly buffeted by conflicts of interest in matters of land , property and amenity .
5 In my day it even faced the other way .
6 The winner 's conker was then a oner , when it had disposed of two it became a twoer , but if it should then beat a threeer it then became a fiver .
7 On the one hand this expansion offered for the first time a substantial number of teaching posts which together formed a fully-integrated career structure , and on the other it considerably lessened the security of both the " historical " and " critical " paradigms for which Bateson had been at such pains to seek some form of mutual accommodation .
8 When it was first shown to the Buckinghamshire firm 's workforce it certainly created the right impression ; an achievment in a factory used to seeing some of the world 's most desireable cars .
9 While the campaign doubtless sent many young people off to London in search of trips , eroticism , and communal life it also energized the police .
10 Those who were seriously engaged in geology or biology could not allow such reasoning either , although in a sense it only represented the idea that science can not deal with origins , carried to an extreme .
11 Whilst sport offered an acceptable outlet for Dominion nationalism it also proved a useful tool for incorporating indigenous rulers into the running of the Empire , especially in India .
12 The start of subduction may have been associated with the initiation of spreading on the East Pacific Rise , but in any case it certainly preceded the splitting of South America away from Africa 135–140 Ma ago .
13 In addition it formally approved the shortening of the current Assembly 's term in anticipation of early legislative elections , scheduled for Feb. 16 , 1992 [ see p. 38518 ] .
14 This was a shrewd political gibe , but like so many of its kind it entirely missed the point at issue .
15 While a welcome improvement it still meant a gap of 3,332 between CNA and average population .
16 Refitted as a cinema in the early years of this century it subsequently became a bingo hall and finally a flood-damaged carpet warehouse .
17 After that year it never neared the peak of 470,000 , which occurred in 1913 .
18 At the meeting when the Council approved this document it also received a paper entitled ‘ Academic freedoms which might be granted to colleges ’ , directed towards ‘ relaxing controls ’ .
19 The applicant in the Fleet Street Casuals case was itself a representative of the interests of its members : as a company it really had no interest independent of that of its members ; but the issue of representative standing was not considered in that case .
20 However , as a milking animal it always had a problem which is still apparent today in some animals : the udders were frequently so pendulous that they were prone to injury and made suckling awkward ( baby beef calves were bucket-reared ) , and later were a problem for machine milking .
21 As its name implies , the Via Militaris was a major line of communication for the Roman armies defending the eastern frontier , and as a stage in one of the links between Italy and Byzantium it already had an important role to play in the vital intercourse between the eastern and western halves of the empire .
22 For a time it even had an international dimension .
23 For a time it probably controlled the Adriatic coast from Rijeka to the Neretva and extended inland to the Hungarian border north of Zagreb and to the Drina valley in the south , where it faced the Byzantine empire and the Serbian principality of Raška .
24 By the time it actually hit the thing , it seemed to be going quite slowly .
25 At the same time it formally approved the confirmation as a Vice-President of Abdol Wahed Sorabi , as announced by President Najibullah in January .
26 Instead of centring his analyses on the knowledge derived from the experience of the subject , Foucault investigates the conditions of emergence of the subject as the basis of knowledge ; he argues that at the same time as it was widely proposed as the one saving good of human civilization it also facilitated a more sinister operation .
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