Example sentences of "[noun sg] to this is that " in BNC.

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1 One reply to this is that most offences of bad driving have the potential to cause death or serious injury ; and that the North Committee 's proposals undervalue the element of endangerment where no harm occurs rather than over -value the resulting harm where it does occur .
2 A common reply to this is that you can not have social control without crime or deviance and hence , if social control is necessary , then crime and deviance must be , too .
3 The postscript to this is that such a conclusion would follow from the revised contractualism and , I suggest , is in the mainstream of our moral thinking .
4 that the only kind of learning worth seriously measuring is that which can be evaluated by making a mark on a card for subsequent ingestion by a machine ( An awful corollary to this is that judgments made by human beings must be given less weight than electronically certified facts . )
5 The corollary to this is that few books that are too enjoyable , too funny , or too popular could possibly be ‘ classics ’ .
6 The main corollary to this is that , while CSPs in general are gradual in their strength ( depending on how fast or carefully one speaks ) , socially differentiated CSPs are likely to be discrete .
7 The counterpart to this is that they are naturally limited intellectually and so not actively encouraged to excel in academic and the more cerebral pursuits and , of course , they do not .
8 The snag to this is that although a pan-head can rotate through a full circle , your hips are limited to about a quarter of this movement .
9 The first reaction to this is that the speller needs to be looked at more closely : the inversion of letters here , and the production of a completely un-English-looking word , suggests that the child has considerable difficulty with visualisation , and possibly has trouble reading , too .
10 A contributing factor to this is that a dictionary aims to provide for every usage of a word with little indication of how common that usage is .
11 The counter-claim to this is that if your goods and services are competitive future trade will not be lost because you have a reasonable and commonsense approach to limiting credit orders to a certain size .
12 An important caveat to this is that the agreement must be fair and reasonable .
13 Erm the general response to this is that it was a failure .
14 One possible answer to this is that such a person is felt to be not only a representative but also representative as a person of those who chose her/him .
15 The exception to this is that only a parent may receive the results of the pupil 's assessment .
16 The only exception to this is that no one other than a state government or the Federal Government may operate a television or radio station without the approval of the president .
17 The only exception to this is that the test machine arrived without one of its little rubber feet , something that I feel might happen quite regularly , given that they just screw in with a small self-tapping screw , and have no supporting adhesive to really make things permanent .
18 The downside to this is that they lose valuable advertising space on television programmes such as Saturday Superstore .
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