Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 From the Green Quarter strike north another half mile along a road and then go eastwards along a bridleway to Sadgill in the slender valley of Longsleddale ( 2 miles ) .
2 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
3 When the militarily defeated Czarist regime collapsed early in 1917 , Lenin returned from exile to push for an immediate socialist revolution against the weak parliamentary regime which succeeded it .
4 The department use outside advisors to help with ethnic menus for conferences from special Afro-Caribbean dishes for the Black Housing Association to recipes from an old lady in Keswich for the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain 's annual conference .
5 They are not ‘ the result of any immutable habitudes , or relations between things themselves , but only of God 's goodness and kindness to men in the administration of the world ’ .
6 Such a clause in a contract to supply building materials to a building contractor did not exclude liability for damages payable by the contractor to sub-contractors as a result of delay in delivery ( Croudace Construction Ltd v Cawoods Concrete Products Ltd [ 1978 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 55 ) .
7 The British team , seen below , had their best result to date at a world event , gaining sixth place .
8 The prisoner is serving life for blasting his former girlfriend to death with a sawn-off shotgun because she knew too much about his underworld dealings .
9 There was a welcome boost to morale at the Sussex-based charity Friends of the Young Deaf when WCUK Maidstone marketing manager , Kim Taylor , presented a cheque for £1,000 on behalf of the George Wimpey Charitable Trust .
10 The invitation , in front of Mr Yeltsin 's wife , Naina , the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of York , is seen as a boost to relations between the Royal Family and Russia .
11 Promotions give a boost to sales in the competitive market and support the overall marketing plan together with good quality , competitive prices , and excellent service — everything that Stoddard Templeton stands for .
12 There would be a boost to industry from the greater net disposable income , and at no cost to the consumer in need , because VAT does not apply to food and necessities .
13 This top quality upholstery range , woven in 100% wool is currently in mid launch with an initial 500 pattern books being individually distributed by Sekers sales force to specifiers throughout the country .
14 There 's been recent reassessment of the traditional picture of the enforced flight from the labour force to domesticity on the part of women just after the war , and far from a flight , large-scale recruitment to the new industries in the early 1950s now seems to present a more historically accurate picture .
15 The research ‘ form ’ was easy and quick to fill in , and itself gave immediate feedback to members about the investigation process .
16 Coal had been particularly hard hit by the continuing switch to gas as a fuel by the recently privatized electricity supply industry [ see pp. 38111 ; 38300 ] .
17 Near the end of the period gold coin may have been used in commercial transactions , but the dwindling supply of gold in western Europe caused a switch to silver as the principal precious metal .
18 When Jason first queried his switch to hooker in the victory at Sheffield , coach John Monie winked and told him : ‘ Just look at your winning pay packet on Thursday . ’
19 We need to reclaim , in the light of the shifts of disability-definition ( from medical to community care interventions , from institution to care in the community , from arts and disability to disability arts ) , the cultural meaning of impairment .
20 Hadrian 's Wall , a World Heritage Site , marks the northern frontier of Roman Britain and stretches over 70 miles from the Solway Firth to Wallsend in the east .
21 ‘ Yes , Miss Hardbroom , ’ agreed Mildred , dragging the cat from her front and reducing the cardigan to shreds at the same time .
22 The cup triumph will go a long way to easing the memory of their loss to Waringstown in the final of the Touche Ross Senior Cup last month and caps a solid season for the Comber side .
23 In the context of what Canada achieved — solid victories over Fiji and Romania , a six-point loss to France in a game that most Canadians feel could just as well have provided another win , and , finally , defeat by New Zealand and a heart-stirring two-try finish — Birtwell and his squad have good reason to be satisfied .
24 Harlequins ' prompt 30-day suspension of the Wallaby World Cup forward , which forestalled any further action by the powers-that-be , did lead to him sitting out the loss to Northampton in the league ( although few of Quins ' other internationals played anyway ) .
25 As a result of what was reportedly a wide-ranging discussion , it was agreed to establish as a prelude to discussion of the Union Treaty two bilateral commissions to negotiate on the most contentious issues in USSR-Russian Federation relations , namely the delineation of state powers , ownership of state property , and the rights to dispose of natural resources .
26 PPB and ZBB are largely ignored in the UK and , as a prelude to part of the discussion in chapter 7 , this chapter concludes by outlining the strategy adopted by central government since the mid-1960s .
27 Segregation is seen as a prelude to re-integration into the community , with an emphasis on rehabilitation .
28 Or can a more positive interpretation be sustained , with France emerging as a close rival to Britain from the eighteenth century onwards ?
29 The government 's annual Social Trends figures show sport the only serious rival to TV among the young , and gardening and DIY among the middle-aged ( especially men ) .
30 Indeed , I think that probably is the rival to Lucidas as the demonstration of how the depersonalizing is compatible with the most intense personal involvement .
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