Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun sg] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In a bid to make-up the missing funds Ian has written to more than 350 companies throughout County Durham .
2 He banishes Hippolytus and prays for his death , which is granted when Poseidon sends a sea monster to upturn the young man 's chariot .
3 Now that the season is ended it would be appropriate for your Finance Department to invoice the Regional Council for this sum .
4 Rejecting Tomlinson 's proposal to resite the Royal Brompton and Royal Marsden hospitals at the Charing Cross Hospital in west London .
5 As it changed from green to amber the current intensified sharply and before he could stop himself Graham instinctively jerked his hand off the pad .
6 Mark the hemline with chalk and take one side as the centre leading edge ( AE ) , then measure up along AE from hemline to mark the finished length .
7 Lisburn , with a 13-point cushion , go to Strangford Road at the top of their form and if they can come away with a maximum haul of 22 points , will be very comfortably placed at home to North the following week , with the prospect of the trophy making its way back to Wallace Park for the first time since 1980 .
8 At the end of October Jacje fell after being under Serbian siege for five months and in the largest exodus in the war to date the entire population of 25,000 left for Travnik .
9 It is something that the government needs to look at and indeed it goes hand in hand er with the need to overall the whole regulatory system er which is something that I 've referred to often enough before er and I have no hesitation in repeating it again .
10 From nose to tail the whole animal is about 16 in ( 40 cm ) long .
11 From day to day the dark shades of his shirts , ties , and high-buttoning suits subtly changed .
12 When Professor Kingman discovered that his Report 's recommendations might be rejected , he used the Robert Robinson factor to cajole the civil servants .
13 In terms of man 's relationship to nature the key idea here is that of dominion .
14 On the one hand , one is inclined to say that it gets the relation of theory to reality the wrong way round .
15 By exaggerating these postures the differences were obvious but as the paddle strokes were passed on from instructor to instructor the artificial distortions were slowly adopted into reality .
16 Check that the wiring is new and in good condition , and immediately on occupation ask the Electricity Board to safety-check the whole installation — appliances and wiring .
17 All the Suffolk sites have been designated ‘ open access ’ but the term covers anything from freedom to roam the entire area to footpath access alone , a CC spokesman said .
18 We felt that it is our duty to inform the people about the situation of Kuwait , about Kuwait in general , it 's culture , it 's erm as a nation , and erm in addition to help the Kuwaiti community erm and at the moment erm we are collecting information erm either on the general situation inside Kuwait City at the moment , or erm generally more information about Kuwait .
19 Although the reduced percentage of aneuploid tumours can be interpreted as a local response to radiotherapy the missing effect on survival points to the fact that oesophageal cancer is often diagnosed at a locally advanced or even disseminated stage .
20 The ball from Gascgoine to Ball the other night when he scored his great goal was a little dink just over the top , outside of his fort and it was a little one over the top of there was n't it ?
21 Once the chairman has summarised progress to date the other advisors should be requested to report ( to the lead adviser and , if present , principals ) on their progress and to highlight any potential difficulties which may affect the timetable .
22 Fortunately , Kathleen Kenyon took pottery a little more seriously than her mentor , and her Jewry Wall report ( 1948 ) is one of the first serious efforts to use it on a large scale to date the main sequences .
23 If the postman knocks on the door to delivery the only parcel you 've received in the past three years , you can guarantee it will be at just before eight on the first Saturday morning you 've had a chance to have a proper lie in for months .
24 If Sartre 's endeavour to ground the Marxist science of history suggests that the Hegelian totality and continuum can only work by a continual labour of excluding the partial and discontinuous , Althusser 's effort to constitute a differentiated history shows that you can not do it without a teleology .
25 This openness also showed that in relation to science the consultative process revealed massive support for the working party 's view on the time to be devoted to science and on the position of balanced science but that the Council , with some reluctance , made recommendations in accordance with the Secretary of State 's different view .
26 One may use the surface-brightness-diameter ( -D ) relation to estimate the physical diameter of the SNR and hence its distance .
27 Jay had taken her camera to photo the leather-bound treasures of the seventeenth century , where even the language was rounded in sepia sworls , respectful of rhythm , season , nature and wholeness .
28 After he had stabbed a lone sergeant to death the callous murderer kept gory souvenirs of his crime in the glove compartment of his car .
29 I could see that if I were to give way to retroscendence the average supermarket gondola , stuck with myriad products like a hedgehog with spines , would become a mystic test-bed able through its thousand portals to suck me into individual sagas so complex , so durable , that I would perhaps never reemerge .
30 Results of trials conducted by Watercare and Wessex Water underline the business ' claims for [ CoastGuard and its ability to clean-up the coastal environment .
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