Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whether the courts would extend this remedy to information in documents which were accidentally released as opposed to surrepticiously obtained was answered in English and American Insurance Co Ltd v Herbert Smith [ 1988 ] FSR 232 .
2 Such approaches probably owe a great deal to consideration of research by the National Children 's Bureau under Dr Mia Pringle and a consideration of children 's needs as well as their rights .
3 ( With up to 16Mb of Extended memory , a large database can be entirely memory-resident , which gives a significant boost to performance on tasks such as sort/select and reporting . )
4 Meanwhile , Clarify Inc , San Jose , California , pocketed $5.4m in its second round of financing , bringing total investment to date to $8.9m , considerably more than other like-minded start-ups like ProActive Software Inc , Scopus Technology Inc , Aurum Software Inc , Quintus and Lysis Inc , Atlanta , Georgia , have to play with .
5 Loss to date of hearing
6 Towards Plymouth , down deep hedge-lined lanes , is a soothing prelude to lunch at Thurlestone Hotel , Thurlestone near Kingsbridge ( ) , where in the verandah style Margaret Amelia restaurant overlooking the cliff-top golf course liberal use is made of Devon 's produce , from creams to meats and salmon from the Avon , oysters from along the coast and crab from Salcombe .
7 In the past it hovered uneasily between being a rival to gold in jewellery and coinage and being a highly versatile industrial material .
8 He was so enraged that he blasted his love rival to death in front of the girl ’ .
9 An indifference to hygiene of body and environment .
10 ‘ On sentencing any person convicted of murder to imprisonment for life the court may at the same time declare the period which it recommends to the Secretary of State as the minimum period which in its view should elapse before the Secretary of State orders the release of that person on licence under section 27 of the Prison Act 1952 …
11 In presenting his administration 's programme to parliament on April 24 , Mitsotakis stressed his desire for consensus and reaffirmed the economic platform on which ND had been elected .
12 Tamm attributes his decision to embark on this long-term programme to stimulus from Romell , a distinguished Swedish ecologist and soil scientist .
13 It was against this troubled background that Truman presented his 21-point programme to Congress in September 1945 — the programme later known as the Fair Deal .
14 I refer not only to issues about manpower and conditions arising out of the implementation of ’ fresh start ’ but to the clear opposition to privatisation of prison services , prisons or remand centres , on which I do not agree .
15 He knew about Lamarck 's theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics , but dismissed this as a secondary process that could not account for the whole range of adaptations ( he must also have been aware of the strong opposition to Lamarckism from Owen and the conservative forces in science ) .
16 The Centre is committed to the concept of equality of all , irrespective of racial considerations , and strives to make all its aims and objectives consistent with an absolute opposition to racism in society .
17 Opposition to fascism in France ; 3 .
18 Opposition to fascism in France
19 When this campaign faltered the idea of the ‘ popular front ’ was extended to include an alliance between the Labour Party , the Liberals and some dissident Conservative opponents of the National government , such as Winston Churchill , who were expressing their opposition to appeasement with Hitler and Mussolini .
20 We do well to remember that societal opposition to cruelty to animals , especially opposition that has the force of law , is a comparatively recent development .
21 A man who , for the sheer fun of it , intentionally torments and then sets fire to a cat , knowing full well what he is doing , is a paradigm example of what legal and moral opposition to cruelty to animals has meant historically .
22 Its position on abortion itself was hardly ambiguous : the minutes of the Assembly meeting for 1982 point out ‘ [ the Assembly 's ] opposition to abortion on demand for purely social reasons , or as a means of birth control … [ and ] that in exceptional circumstances , where medical abortion might be necessary , the most stringent safeguards should be provided to prevent abuse ’ ( Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1930–86 , General Assembly ( 1982 ) , p. 61 ) .
23 One might ask why this sudden change occurred , and whether there was a change of attitude by Gillray , perhaps even a conversion pushing him from critic to defender of monarchy .
24 Campbell , Wright and Shearer will show off their talents at Highbury today , as Arsenal bid to gun down Rovers ’ unbeaten record .
25 In MAR and JMB 's absence — pass mail to GWM/CMG for advice .
26 Lamont and Bank spring to defence of sterling
27 DNA was isolated from the reaction mixtures and checked for its susceptibility to cleavage by restriction endonuclease Eco RII , which fails to cleave CC A / T GG sites methylated at the inner cytosine residue .
28 In sum , a working hypothesis is that powerlessness , or ‘ lack of control over destiny ’ , produces a susceptibility to ill-health for people who live in chronically marginalized and demanding situations .
29 Sales of the product , whose yellow capsules contain natural minerals and vitamins to alleviate ailments ranging from pre-menstrual tension to lack of energy , have crashed by 30% to £1.9m .
30 Peter , who has worked for Courtaulds for 19 years , recently transferred from Research to Engineering in Coventry .
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