Example sentences of "[noun sg] have only [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Boy 's only got what he 's standing up in . ’
2 ‘ It 's the first time we 've been banned anywhere , ’ said Barry , adding that singer Michael Stipe had been involved in the production of the video and that the rest of the band had only seen it once .
3 His total surrender had only earned her derision .
4 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
5 The National Rivers Authority has only given its approval for half the planned graveyard .
6 The thing to do , Caroline told herself , was lose herself in the beauty and lore of Rome , and she might have done that — if the guide had only let her .
7 Nenna 's character was faulty , but she had the instinct to see what made other people unhappy , and this instinct had only failed her once , in the case of her own husband .
8 Her father had only married her to give a name to the child she was expecting , and now he would never see it .
9 From the moment I saw her , I knew that I still loved her , and that her absence had only deepened my passion . ’
10 The 24 year old student had only started his university course this year .
11 For some years her vision had only enabled her to find her way about her house : she could not read and could scarcely see her television .
12 He said that the Government had only pledged itself to employ the successful barracks architects , but not the Government Offices architects .
13 Her attempts at explication had only clouded her own contemporary voice , and led her far astray from the feeling heart of the matter .
14 This time I left them alone , and stayed in the kitchen with little Hareton , but when I came to warn them that Hindley had returned , I realized that their quarrel had only brought them closer together .
15 The pressure on his throat ceased at once , but the hand had only transferred its hold to his arm .
16 Mum had only met him once and that was it .
17 Remember that drama school has only prepared you to work .
18 Of course the public only wanted entertainment , but the point for intellectual observers was that the public had only wanted it on their own terms and so the story of film was the story of how the masses had dragged it down to their own level .
19 How could she tell this hostile man that his brother had only suggested she pretend to be his fiancée as they 'd turned into the long drive leading up to Rocamar ?
20 Time had only confirmed her fears .
21 The Foreign Office had only given him permission to join the Army on the understanding that he would return to Abyssinia when his leave expired .
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