Example sentences of "[noun sg] have tell [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Timex management had told him of substantial losses in recent years and of the possibility of another massive deficit this year .
2 very settled in the library er she went to the interview er and she said she 'd er remembered everything that the teacher had told them about how to present themselves at interviews and she went down and the er , the librarian says well , asked her a few questions and he says
3 He wished the coroner had told him about this !
4 The woman went on to say that the social worker had written down what her husband had told her to because she was frightened of him , and because she was a young nit-wit from college no more capable of understanding the wily ways of men like her husband than she could fly .
5 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
6 There were two scheduled stops on my journey : the first was a company that was going to hold my bulkier items in storage ( a firm that my now ex-landlord had told me about which had some spare space in a lock-up in a basement car park ) ; the second was of course the Palace Hotel where I was going to drop off everything else .
7 Ellie also thrilled to hear it , for it sounded so glamorous , and put her in mind of some of the stories Madame had told her of her early days on the stage .
8 Even Riven laughed with the rest as they piled into the inn Finnan had told them of , and Ratagan wished the landlord good day in a roar that made the poor man cower .
9 The old story : Gran had told it to them years ago .
10 But then she remembered what the wise old turtle had told her about putting herself in the dog 's place , and doing what she would want to have done to her .
11 I remembered , however , that my father had told me of this sort of thing happening in the past , and the sands had always returned over the following few weeks and months .
12 I was remembering what my father had told me about other conquering heroes who had tried to attack the great bear .
13 He had been waiting for the spirit warrior his father had told him of in infancy , the One-Eyed White Girl .
14 Her father had told her in no uncertain terms that she 'd lost her mind .
15 The divisional inspector had told him on the telephone of arrangements made for the use of a former Salvation Army hall , opposite the nick .
16 He could n't bring himself to believe what Ace had told him about the TARDIS 's ability to move .
17 ‘ You got ta understand about America ’ , an old black man had told him in Washington DC , ‘ it 's a fucking capitalist nightmare . ’
18 It was a small , stuffy room , and yet I distinctly felt a chill in the air , like a draught , and I knew that it must be coming from that other world my uncle had told me about , and that the threshold to it was somewhere very close at hand .
19 ‘ Right , ’ Bernice said , remembering what Spike had told her about them .
20 I put three pounds to win on a horse in the two-fifty , and then five pounds to win on the ‘ dead cert ’ this fellow had told me about in the three-fifteen or three-twenty — something like that . ’
21 She alleged that the doctor had told her at a seminar that she desired Lozano .
22 Indeed , the French envoy de Craon knew more , claiming the Prince had told him about Lady Eleanor 's death long before the porter had even reached Woodstock .
23 I was sitting in bed , reading about Lot 's wife as Mum had told me to , when Dad came in .
24 Ai'sha has told me about your proclivities ! ’
25 Mavis has told me about it .
26 Dad had told him to ‘ explore ’ this .
27 I am instructed by a boy who is getting married because his girlfriend 's mother has told him to . ’
28 His grandad had told him about that , years later , when he was about fifteen .
29 Huddle had told him about the rogue , turning up in his garish garments and standing on the church steps , offering to sell pardons to those who could afford them .
30 So much her mother had told her about them .
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