Example sentences of "[noun sg] have be [adv] or " in BNC.

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1 Once the presence of a carcass has been directly or indirectly detected , they glide down to it rapidly , and large numbers of vultures are thus enabled to assemble in a short time .
2 The text of Lumen Gentium had been more or less left alone , but it was now prefixed by an ‘ Explanatory Note ’ ( Nota praevia ) which , it was clear when Archbishop Felici communicated it formally to the Council two days later , had come from Pope Paul himself .
3 It is significant that in this area of institutional studies some of the sharpest questions about the nature of sociological inquiry have been directly or indirectly posed .
4 The rational expectations hypothesis challenges macroeconomists of widely differing outlook to re-examine the short-run dynamics of their respective models so as to check that no assumption of irrational behaviour has been implicitly or inadvertently embedded within the structure of the model .
5 In particular , there will be no change in treatment where the basis of valuation has been explicitly or implicitly agreed or accepted , or the view has reasonably been taken that there is no , or only negligible , benefit .
6 Good courses of ore had been met with in Deep Level , but Leathart pointed out , " the whole of the ground has been more or less worked prior to the present adventurers " .
7 In the Far East substantial territory had been more or less peacefully wrested from the embattled Chinese Empire .
8 The bungalow had been more or less cancelled out by mother 's renovations .
9 Thanks to a series of events which he had done nothing to bring about , other prominent figures in the anti-Republican camp had been permanently or temporarily removed .
10 The rest of the afternoon had been more or less normal for the time of year except that Ted had been following Pete around for most of it , trying to pump him for details of what had happened between him and Diane Jackson .
11 When so large a part of modern politics , above all in America , is concerned with policies which an insight into the psychology of envy would reveal to be inherently futile , it is perhaps not surprising that the study of that psychology has been instinctively or deliberately neglected .
12 As so often , one sees the survival of a social custom long after its original purpose has been wholly or partly superseded .
13 I will not go into detail but your disappearance has been more or less accepted now .
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