Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] [adv] all " in BNC.

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1 This revolution in the labour force has affected almost all industrial economies .
2 She said the fighting had halted virtually all relief work in Mogadishu .
3 She said the fighting had halted virtually all relief work in Mogadishu .
4 There 's ditches where er s the water has run away all the boulder clay and left maybe a ditch , this one was nine feet deep .
5 The memory of empty bellies because their father had gambled away all the National Assistance was still fresh in their minds .
6 Given the context — a decade in which a radical , market-minded government had restructured almost all of the public services , in an endeavour to ‘ roll back the frontiers of the state ’ and introduce commercial principles in the provision of social welfare — its contents are surprising .
7 The World Bank has halted almost all structural-adjustment lending to the CFA zone , on the ground that the zone 's members have not met all the conditions needed ‘ to restore competitiveness ’ .
8 In the anthracite coalfield of South Wales , for example , British Coal has closed virtually all of its underground capacity and is planning to dramatically expand its opencast production .
9 The training has gone well all year and erm they are coming on just right for the race .
10 Although the nineteenth century had seen almost all restrictions on Catholics removed , the loyalists of Ulster still believed that to accept the authority of the Pope was to open the way to papal domination and the erosion of civil liberty .
11 His nervousness had grown steadily all day .
12 Unable or unwilling to curb her arrogance while her star was in the ascendency , the Empress had alienated nearly all those who had abandoned the King .
13 ‘ But Mother went scarlet when the boss 's wife told me what a nice suit I was wearing , and I told her that Mother had spent nearly all night making it . ’
14 Well my brother 's covered practically all week and Brian 's doing tomorrow .
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