Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] into their " in BNC.

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1 The plot has thickened — a twist of fate and cunning has put into their hands a letter that seals their deaths !
2 A lot of money has gone into their schooling but as my financial situation has deteriorated we have had to consider take them out of private education and sending them to state school .
3 But Humphrey and Wobble and Dot have come into their prime .
4 The very thing that every First Level child has pumped into their system as a six-month foetus . ’
5 Hours of work have gone into their plaited hair .
6 The sport of horse racing has taken a tumble today with the news that there 'll be less Arab money being invested in breeding and training … but as one stable door closes … another one opens … in Gloucestershire trainer David Nicholson and his team have moved into their new home … its the biggest and hopefully best yard steeplechasing has ever seen
7 Come to an unspoilt sandy cove , to the north of the British holidaymakers ' dream isle and find the place HCI has turned into their delightful and real value for money Cala Mesquida Beach Club .
8 As she undressed in the bedroom she saw her daughter had climbed into their big double bed .
9 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
10 A hint of duty had crept into their relationship .
11 he had instead been cultivating his acquaintanceship with Mercer , a game plan that would have come to an abrupt end if the Lorrimores had deserted the trip , which they would have done at once if the Canadian had ploughed into their home-from-home .
12 The 160 mineworkers , who formed a consortium to reopen the pit , each investing £10,000 in the venture , were surprised to find that half a month 's salary had gone into their bank accounts at the weekend .
13 There was plenty of material to work from : Latin was compulsory at Plumford Grammar School ; the English master had drummed into their memories large sections of Macaulay 's Lays of Ancient Rome ; they had read novels with a Roman background , like Rosemary Sutcliff 's Eagle of the Ninth and Robert Graves ' I , Claudius ; and they could plunder Hubert Molland 's classical library for further information as the need arose .
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