Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [vb pp] in their " in BNC.

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1 Two of my constituents were awarded by the courts compensation for damage that a burglar had done in their house .
2 All the women in the village had dressed in their best clothes with their hair freshly oiled and plaited , their earrings , nose-rings and necklaces of Indian silver rupees washed and glinting in the sunlight .
3 And since the wind changed , the smoke , once so unwelcome , had drifted northeast ; and the armed hosts native to the wood had arrived in their thousands to attack the armed host that was not .
4 No small part of the low earnings of many Negroes , Puerto Ricans , Mexican nationals , indigenous migrating farm workers , poor farm people and some of our older workers reflects the failure to have invested in their health and education .
5 There 's none so queer as Suffolk , as follicle-flowing grind merchants and Bury boys JACOB 'S MOUSE have discovered in their illustrious nine-year history since meeting at a swimming gala , aged 11 .
6 Rose 's ma , even more than her daughter , had appreciated what a strange creature had arrived in their meagre lives .
7 Throughout , the ACOC have failed in their commitments or obstructed the work of others .
8 As they have sown , so must they reap and reap , even when the poppy flowers of passion have withered in their hands , and their harvest is but bitter tares , garnered in satiety .
9 The attitudes and assumptions I 'd grown up with had been razed to the ground , and a bold new society had risen in their place , a free-enterprise , demand-driven , flaunt-it-and-fuck-you society , dedicated to excellence and achievement .
10 Although getting to the right beach was the first logical step in amphibious raids — as the ISTD Centre had implied in their 1938 studies — the chronological development of these operations was less orderly .
11 This was set against the teaching and learning which the Inspectorate had observed in their school sample .
12 The British Government have lagged in their support for events in Europe and have not been so enthusiastic as our European partners .
13 MORE than 800 Lloyd 's of London members on syndicates managed by the loss-making Gooda Walker agency have failed in their legal attempt to prevent Lloyd 's and members ' agents from drawing down their funds .
14 Opponents of the party leader say his criticism of the pre-meeting comments to the press as disloyal increased the political temperature which exploded when he pointed out to three executive members that collective responsibility had worked in their favour in past occasions and any comments should be made in private .
15 The differing strata of the working class have shifted in their forms of work , in the divisions created by long-term unemployment , by generational differences , and by ethnic composition .
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