Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Today the links between the Black and Irish communities are many , and the need for unity has never been more urgent .
2 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
3 No medical text has ever been so widely used by successive generations of medical students and doctors .
4 This fact , plus the ubiquitous veil of secrecy which covers military matters , has fuelled suspicion that the link has never been thoroughly broken and that plutonium produced in civil reactors has found its way into the military stockpiles .
5 Removing unwanted hair has never been so simple .
6 No player , with the single exception of Ian Botham , is photographed or talked about more than Graham Gooch , whose story has just been reliably and thoroughly told by Ivo Tennant in a book boldly entitled Graham Gooch , The Biography ( £15.99 ) .
7 However , music chosen from a composer 's total output and specially arranged as a score for a three-act ballet with a story has rarely been completely successful .
8 The fact that the adventure story has always been very largely the province of male writers does not necessarily mean that the female characters in such fictions will be less ‘ real ’ than the heroes or villains .
9 Their story has never been properly told .
10 It has been said that no application from a major firm for a capacity increment has ever been flatly rejected , although some have been delayed .
11 With sea-room a prerequisite of safe ship handling , naval training and other deep-water seamanship has always been more concerned , therefore , with keeping clear of land than with approaching beaches .
12 Joan , who supervised Highgrove and Princess Anne 's Gatcombe Park household laundry with her sister until their retirement , says : ‘ The Prince has always been very kind . ’
13 What happened to McGonigal 's stick has never been satisfactorily established .
14 Infected blood and blood products — HIV transmission via this route has now been virtually eliminated in developed countries through routine screening ( testing ) of donated blood .
15 Frigidity has only been better exemplified to me by the first psychotic woman I ever saw , who complained that her vagina contained a block of ice .
16 The central administration of the Modular Course has always been keenly aware of the burden falling on Field Chairs .
17 A pukka building was duly erected , but its medical function has somehow been indefinitely postponed .
18 I am glad to say that this act of faith has since been amply rewarded and the blazer 's fit is perfect .
19 My enthusiasm has always been more muted in the case of the big , highly publicised national charities .
20 But then , no ghost has ever been definitively ‘ identified ’ , as far as I 'm aware .
21 The big money has evidently been well spent .
22 Paul 's teaching has sometimes been unfairly caricatured as being on the bosses ' side .
23 The need to transcend religion has nowhere been more clearly expressed than within Sikhism .
24 The destructive effects of anxiety can sometimes be dissipated with reward , undoing the formation of a bad habit , especially if the horse has otherwise been kindly treated .
25 State medicine 's involvement in campaigns for improved military efficiency and health regeneration has usually been loosely ascribed to the growing move towards ‘ collectivism ’ in the early twentieth century .
26 This duly arrived and the five hour Test Programme has just been successfully completed at the farm strip at Weston Underwood where Midge is presently ‘ stationed ’ She has company too — her stable mate is a Tiger Moth : G-AMHF .
27 Further genetic progress on mastitis resistance is expected because the weighting gives to it in the Norwegian breeding programme has recently been more than doubled .
28 It 's a major market and the tourism industry has really been very slow to wake up to this factor .
29 Thanks to its remote situation and forbidding terrain , this 12 square miles of raised coral has never been successfully colonised , either by people or other introduced species .
30 The politician 's dilemma has never been better stated than by George Dempster in a letter which he wrote to Sir Adam Fergusson in 1783 :
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