Example sentences of "[noun sg] in there [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and the other one is the registration and inspection , where in the current year we have access to the best part of sixty five thousand pounds from to meet registration inspection , and you 'll see in the additions list , that , that there is er , a bid in there for the ongoing costs of that .
2 Is the pig in there with the whale and the dolphin , the dog and the monkey , in that charismatic class of clever animals whose heads we 're forever trying to get into ?
3 Look , there was n't any sign in there of a scuffle of any kind ?
4 I it looks like there 's a lot of freedom in there at the local level which is of interest .
5 and that bit in there from the album is exactly the same equipment
6 The problem is I think it 's the I mean there is a private security firm in there at the moment , perhaps they 'll remain till eventually it 's all done .
7 ‘ There 's a man in there with a bullet hole in him .
8 I mean take the example that Hugh is always using , is that if I wanted to knock a wall through , a hole through that wall and put a door in there with a link in it surely to goodness we
9 She also stored food in there like a hamster , and sometimes , when least expected , her head would snake back inside her covering and the crunch of crisps or the slurp of a boiled sweet could be heard .
10 And of course when you was er was n't on guard duty at the f early evening , course there used to be used to pop into the Peel and have a couple of halves or some would have a pint and there was a chap in , in the Home , Home Guard he , he used to be able to play the piano so we used to have a singsong in there for a social , you know .
11 I takes the lot in there for the lower orders , ’ said Sid .
12 There 's probably a list in there of the ones you 're supposed to give them to .
13 W we were putting the er kitchen and the display in there for the week .
14 I wished I 'd had a poke round when we were up by the cliff — he probably had a little cave in there behind the brambles .
15 It 's like a little cave in there in the dark with her rags and her bits of cardboard — like a cave and she 's an animal who lives there and is all scared and angry when someone comes in by accident .
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