Example sentences of "[noun sg] in just [num] day " in BNC.

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1 It was timed to explode just 30 minutes later but because of a blunder the detonator failed to explode — the capital 's second lucky escape in just 16 days .
2 If we ca n't succeed with our plan in just two days all this goes up , and us along with it .
3 GATESHEAD Family Sculpture Day 1989 Mammoth effort to build circus in just one day with old wood and pieces of string .
4 I am writing this in the mid-summer of 1986 , feeling strong and well and scheduled to make a return visit to my surgeon in just ten days time .
5 Two other garages have been hit by the same man in just 6 days and a police helicopter is on standby to track him next time he strikes .
6 ‘ I 'll be leading the first bird-watching tour in just four days .
7 Richard Parkyn , a chartered accountant from Tiverton in Devon who has suffered from diabetes since childhood , has successfully completed a 750-mile bike ride from John O'Groats to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in just 10 days despite having his bike stolen in Kidderminster and suffering from increasingly sore knees .
8 Because , after all , no-one had , as yet , told him that Presley City was going to be little more than blackened rubble in just two days time .
9 During the Gulf War the crews servicing Buccaneers at RAF ABingdon carried out the impossible ; servicing a plane in just 10 days instead of the usual 84 days by working round the clock .
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