Example sentences of "[noun sg] have [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Ossie has not signed a contract but we have shaken hands on a three-year deal . ’
2 In the remoter rural areas , where agriculture has traditionally held a virtual monopoly of employment opportunities , the declining demand for labour in agriculture has historically led to widespread rural depopulation .
3 Reports suggest Microsoft Corp has nearly completed a compiler that will be used internally to generate applications for the PowerPC RISC being developed by Apple , IBM and Motorola .
4 No-one would believe they had a recession on in Japan when they have time and resources to devote to dreaming up and creating things like this : Toshiba Corp has just launched a line of word processors with sound effects — ‘ to introduce an element of fun in the workplace ’ according to Reuter — they bark when you write ‘ dog ’ , moo when you write ‘ cow ’ and make the sound of pouring when you write ‘ beer ’ , and if you recall a text file word-by-word at reading speed , they repeat these and 26 other pre-programmed noises , from sleigh bells to sirens , as the words come up — and it no doubt laughs like a drain when your boss sends it an electronic message telling you you 're fired for being a disruptive influence .
5 Expanding on the agreement that AT&T 's Computer Systems Division forged with Banyan Systems Inc last year , NCR Corp has now sealed a pact with the Westborough , Massachusetts-based company , said to be worth $25m over the next three years : NCR is to market and support Banyan 's Unix-based Vines network operating system — in the US and Canada initially , worldwide at a later date — whilst Banyan distributors will be able to sell NCR products .
6 Expanding on the agreement that AT&T 's Computer Systems Division forged with Banyan Systems Inc last year , NCR Corp has now sealed a pact with the Westborough , Massachusetts-based company , said to be worth $25m over the next three years : NCR is to market and support Banyan 's Unix-based Vines network operating system — in the US and Canada initially , worldwide at a later date — whilst Banyan distributors will be able to sell NCR products .
7 Famous in his lifetime , court painter to King George III , Ramsay 's genius has subsequently remained a well-kept secret , especially in England .
8 The story has now prompted a response from Mr John Dumigan , acting chief officer for the South Eastern Group of Councils for Building Regulation Control , who has outlined the exact situation faced by buildings open to the public .
9 If you look at the mid-markets erm for example the Sunday Express has recently run a erm a feature on the French philosopher Louis .
10 However , this equal reduction has again entailed a change in proportions .
11 Yes , I , I mean , I think , I do n't want to come in there , but I think the difference between the point that you 've made Mr and , and some of the others is the district auditor has n't put a thing in a box .
12 The Fuel Contracts Department at Peel Park has just issued a comprehensive Departmental Procedures Manual , covering everything from the booking-in of mail to the department to the ordering of new AGR fuel for Hunterston and Torness .
13 The division has n't taken a completely structured approach to its use of FDC , and much of the necessary data is still input manually .
14 The Gas Turbine division has also played a leading role in this area and is pioneering the concept of total maintenance [ health care ] contracts for critical power packs both on and offshore .
15 In Britain , more so than in other countries , science fiction has always had a stigma attached to it .
16 Now I know Utopianism has recently had a bad press .
17 No instance has yet reached a reported court case .
18 The raising of the water level has partially submerged a conspicuous pointed rock of historic interest ; in the days of long ago , this was a meeting place of the Chisholm clan .
19 That man with a beard has just had a breakdown in London 's Burning .
20 Since December , the strip has not known a day of quiet : the clashes between the Israeli army and Palestinian demonstrators are fought in towns and villages as well as in the eight refugee camps .
21 The NABC has never fostered a North/South divide and the suggestion from Mr Atkinson that we would give preference to the views from southern counties , as against northern counties , is totally without foundation .
22 The Italian parliament has finally approved a new law governing hunting .
23 The route has now taken a bit of hammering with a Yugoslav bagging the third ascent and Sean Myles and Andy Pollitt steaming in for the fourth and fifth ascents soon afterwards .
24 However , if the user has not accessed a particular field type during the current session , the user must enter the required value and press TAB .
25 ‘ The recession has not had a major impact , ’ said a spokesman .
26 This writer has never attended a more populated exhibition of Old Masters and has rarely overheard so much intelligent discussion , particularly from ‘ ordinary ’ visitors .
27 Fidelity has also launched a ‘ controlled risk ’ unit trust series called the Stabiliser Growth Range .
28 Geologically recent submergence has also produced a series of islands , some inhabited e.g. Eriskay and Berneray , and some now empty and abandoned e.g. Fuday , the Monach Islands and Pabbay .
29 The turboprop has also undergone a maturing process that now makes it an easy engine to work on and spectacularly reliable .
30 A RESEARCH team at Glasgow University has just received a £1.5 million grant from the Science and Engineering Research Council to carry out a project to increase the capacity of fibre-optic cables , writes Eric McKenzie
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