Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [adj] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He feels his purpose in life is to spread the Christian religion in unexplored places where the people have never heard the word of God .
2 The old adage garbage in garbage out has been replaced by the new , garbage in pretty picture out , and it is dangerous .
3 Now that the aim is to keep the young diabetic 's blood glucose in single figures as much as possible , the risk of hypoglycaemia is increased and there is much less latitude for missing breakfast after a late night or delaying a meal .
4 The small stock in rural areas frequently makes it very difficult for councils to meet transfer requests , even though these may lead to more efficient utilization of their resources .
5 As your journey takes you into the lush splendour of the Dee Valley , one landmark in particular stands out in a dazzling blaze of colour .
6 They toast her ‘ engagement ’ and Harriet 's deal in red wine out of tall crystal goblets .
7 Technology from the semiconductor industry has allowed an experiment in fundamental physics previously possible only in theory .
8 The affair had come to light in late January when a United Kingdom businessman , Paul Pearson , representing a South African-registered company , Dove Trading International , was stopped and searched at Moscow 's Sheremetyevo Airport on his way out of the country .
9 It accelerates pencil-sized beams of electrons and their anti-matter equivalent , positrons , to near the speed of light in opposite directions around a 17-mile circular tunnel , roughly the length of London Underground 's Circle line .
10 I 'll go along with some radical improvement to the turbo-ram-jet engine concept ; perhaps a boost in top speed up to Mach 3.5 , even 4 at a stretch of the imagination .
11 Half of all foreign investment in eastern Europe reportedly went to Hungary in 1990 , amounting to an estimated sum of between $750 million and $1,000 million ; another $1,000 million were expected in 1991 .
12 ‘ There ; ll be nobody left behind to grieve , ’ carolled Lehrer , looking on the bright side , Kahn , on the other hand , advocated massive investment in deep shelters so that at least the lucky half — or should it be the unlucky half ? — would be left behind to grieve , and to prove that war need not yet be quite abandoned as mankind 's most addictive sport .
13 Evans has drawn attention to the danger of discrimination by specialty in a cost-obsessed climate , so that ‘ a geriatrician may face the nightmare that the specialty dedicated to providing old people with the best of hospital care will become an impediment to their obtaining it ’ , even though an investment in optimum treatment often yields rich dividends through the avoidance of expensive long-term dependency .
14 However , substantial investment in new technology together with an increased market share in the UK and the North American markets helped them to offset these initial setbacks and produce a stronger finish to the year .
15 That future output depends on real investment in productive assets now and in the future , while the piling-up of financial assets in excess of real investment can only be inflationary in the long run ( a ‘ long run ’ which is already with us ) .
16 Investment in coastal shipping yet again reveals how local the process of capital formation in transport was .
17 Robert Fellowes commissioned Soane , who was building several houses in East Anglia at that time , to design his family seat in willowy country just south of Norwich near Shotesham All Saints , a village with a winding stream and Dutch gabled cottages .
18 President Venkataraman then attempted to replace him by transferring Surjit Singh Barnala , the Governor of Tamil Nadu , who had himself incurred the central government 's displeasure in late January when he refused formally to recommend the imposition of president 's rule .
19 He is especially encouraged by the performances of Leeds and Celtic in overcoming deficits against Bundesliga opposition in European competition already this season .
20 Perhaps the most striking case of this is J. A. Thugut , Austrian representative at Constantinople in 1769–75 , who was throughout these years an agent in French pay regularly transmitting confidential information to his French colleague , the Comte de Saint-Priest ( though it is true that French and Austria were at that time allies , at least in name ) .
21 The bile acid concentration in faecal water also decreased with increasing dietary calcium , and this was not influenced by dietary phosphate .
22 As his experience increased his interest turned from the study of animal anatomy to problems in the fields of bacteriology and pathology , and at the same time his reputation as a pioneer in veterinary surgery steadily increased .
23 Their contribution so far has emphasized reviews of human impacts often reflecting research in other disciplines rather than appropriate fundamental impact studies by physical geographers .
24 And you would couple higher education in the terms of , in the sense of teaching students , with doing research in educational institutions presumably ?
25 Indeed , the best treatment of investigated hypo-oestrogenic secondary amenorrhoea in young women not desiring the immediate return of their fertility is usually the pill .
26 Once placed in their political context , it is difficult to imagine a set of guidelines of good practice in urban policy precisely because of the interaction of policy , theory and practice that this volume attempts to emphasise .
27 The car in front moves forward a few yards , but when Robyn inches forward in turn the young man lays a restraining hand on the Renault 's wing .
28 This is a temptation one should in general resist , as l regard it as a cardinal rule in developmental biology not to try to infer developmental mechanisms from final forms .
29 At our prompting , all the major brewers have now agreed to allow independent arbitration or assessment of rent in difficult cases where agreement can not be reached .
30 Under the old system , which included rent in supplementary benefit so that tenants could pay it themselves , many tenants were able to shuffle their weekly budgets — this week buy some kids ' shoes , next week the rent , this week the gas bill , next week the rent .
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