Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 An alternative — and theoretically the more sound approach — is a ‘ demand-led ’ strategy in which general managers are committed to investment in development because they can see its importance .
2 Usually I keep two buckets full of water but that 's no good in winter because they are plastic and will not stand the frost .
3 But , to be fair , the McLaren directors had other matters on their mind in Portugal as they moped Senna 's fevered brow and cursed Mansell 's unwelcome intrusion into a family affair .
4 And in July 1986 , 28 women were teargassed in their communal cell in Pollsmoor when they demanded to know why they were being held .
5 On the whole , drafts carry more weight in practice than they should in theory , simply because they represent the most up-to-date thought .
6 Would he tell us then what he believes the impact of the er pay settlements will have on the spending he 's allowed local authorities because it seems to me there must either be a cut in staff er and a cut in services if they 're gon na keep within the the money that he made available at the time when he was n't aware of these settlements .
7 It 's not just health problems they suffer but many people can get really depressed living in houses where they have to keep washing the mould off the walls .
8 Students aged under 19 in further education have retained their entitlement to housing benefit in term-time if they are living away from their parents .
9 They do their best to make even our delightful local trattoria in Mondano sound like a Berni Inn in Basingstoke as they call raucously for prawn cocktail and steak and chips , having to settle with obvious disgust for the pure poetry of Signora Sparanti 's risotto con funghi .
10 By the middle of 1924 the Agitprop section of the Smolgubkom was openly declaring that both shefstvo and smychka were a farce in actuality because they had deteriorated into mass weekend outings to the countryside in search of illicit stills .
11 But I can tell you it gave them all a good laugh in casualty when they discovered what had happened . ’
12 Bridie , she knew , had taken the children out to sleep in a church hall in Ormskirk so they would be safe .
13 No half day Saturdays , half day Saturdays , yes and then er I , I used to stay waiting for mother to come and my sister er to do the shopping in Willenhall cos they would n't shop anywhere else , and then erm my brother used to come with his cycle and er I used to carry a lot of the shopping back and my brother used to push a lot on his , on his cycle and mother and my sister used to stay down and have another walk around , but we 'd got to walk it back I 'd come back on the wagonette so or just after the buses started but er I 'll never forget the first time the bus ran it was pouring with rain and my sister was standing in front of me and she 'd got a new mac on and of course we were getting very wet and there was a scramble to get on the bus and the lady in front of her had got a bag of flour and of course the bag burst and went all down her
14 The news of the school uplift reached the two shopping in Kirkwall before they set out to travel the twenty miles or so back home .
15 Many mills met their fate in storms when they were ‘ tailwinded ’ , in other words , the wind caught the sails from behind after suddenly changing direction before the sails could be rotated .
16 Some journals expect outgoing editors to retain responsibility for work in progress when they leave .
17 Instead , Willis found that his lads were very well prepared for work in factories where they could use the same ‘ survival ’ techniques as they had learned at school .
18 In the same way Phyllisia noticed the same softening in Calvin when they found out their mother was ill .
19 I was watching the ice hockey on here last night , last night , the and Czechoslovakia one and a Canadian guy scored a goal and the announcer said they 'll be celebrating that in his home in Canada if they 're watching , listen I bet they are !
20 There were plenary indulgences , which meant the immediate forgiveness of all past sins and the promise of a place in heaven if they fell in battle .
21 U2 were left red-faced with embarrassment in Berlin when they joined a demo celebrating German reunification .
22 SIR — In addition to the problems encountered by Spanish researchers in finding a post in Spain after they have obtained a doctorate in another country ( see Nature 306 , 502 ; 1992 %and ; 361 , 578 ; 1993 ) , there is also the slowness of the procedure for obtaining recognition in their title .
23 Managers who are selling shares to Newco may of course also invest further cash in Newco as they are likely to be increasing their investment in the business .
24 Erm and the two the two females in the solidarity evaluations they it was constant the d There was n't any change erm across the two guises but with the males there was a significantly higher score in solidarity when they were in the Kentucky accented guises .
25 But there was a setback on Saturday when the French National League 's ( FNL ) disciplinary committee failed to make any ruling at a nine-hour meeting in Paris because they said they did not have enough evidence .
26 The system allowed the nobility much more initiative in war than they had enjoyed under Edward I and Edward II , and their wishes and interests , together with their willingness and ability to raise troops , had to be taken into account in planning a campaign .
27 — Then she did a P.G.C.E. in T.E.S.O.L. as they call T.E.F.L. nowadays .
28 Such fiction marches happily with political impassivity and an acquiescence in things as they are .
29 Ringa Hustle raced home a 5-2 winner … he may be given one more race in Ireland before they retire him to stud …
30 A viewing of the end result is not strictly necessary if the main point of the exercise was to have students perform a task which required them to communicate with each other in English as they did it .
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