Example sentences of "[noun sg] and that it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 And so it might , provided it was only a passing mention and that it contributed properly to the pattern of the book .
2 There had been Lewis , the guy who was down on cutlery and condiments , and much earlier a bloke called Evans , who maintained that Old Mother Walsh was really a man in drag and that it behoved members of the Church ‘ to wear the clothes of the other kind ’ .
3 The Angel of Death was closer now , shadowed in the half-light from the church , the two marble attendants on guard at the mausoleum 's bronze doors , everything as usual except that tonight , I could have sworn that there was a third figure and that it moved out of the darkness towards me .
4 Ziegler ( 1978 ) , in his discussion of the Mass Observation records on the coronation of Elizabeth II in 1953 , records that the two most commonly cited reasons for supporting the coronation were that it created wealth and that it united the nation .
5 The SNP refused to support the Government in last night 's vote in spite of claims from Government sources that the deal two weeks ago went beyond the single vote on the EC committee and that it covered timetable motions too .
6 The SNP refused to support the Government last night in spite of claims from government sources that the deal two weeks ago went beyond the single vote on the EC committee and that it covered timetable motions too .
7 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
8 But Intel insists that DEC was still showing interest in marketing the follow-on Paragon machine and that it pulled the plug on the deal because it was not satisfied with DEC 's level of commitment .
9 Although Lee stated that he did not intend to stand as a candidate in the presidential elections , the new party announced that it would contest the election and that it planned to choose a candidate by the end of October .
10 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
11 He stresses that the decision was taken on the spur of the moment and that it seemed completely acceptable to everyone there at the time .
12 Djilas did not at this stage of his analysis refer to bureaucracy as a class , though he recognized that it had exclusive control of production and distribution and that it expropriated the economic surplus for itself at the expense of the ‘ direct producers ’ .
13 Is the Leader of the House aware that the seventh report of the Public Accounts Committee on the privatisation of Harland and Wolff was not available to Members in the House until late yesterday evening and that it had been made available to others some time previously ?
14 ‘ We realised that the whole psychology of collecting is a fascinating area and that it had a lot more potential … hence the reason for the Festival .
15 I said they were to write notes on large pieces of rough paper and that it did n't matter ( I always say this now ) about spelling .
16 Is it possible that a body was put in the basin early on Saturday morning and that it remained there until the next high tide without being seen ? ’
17 She also ensured that she chaired the important Cabinet ( later ‘ EA ’ ) Committee on economic strategy and that it contained a majority who supported the economic strategy of herself and the Chancellor .
18 The hon. Member for Thurrock asked whether I did not know that if one took economic resources from one area and instilled them into others that was merely a way of upsetting the ordinary economic mechanism and that it did not result in any advances .
19 Of one thing she was convinced , however , and that was that she had actually regressed to a previous life and that it had not simply been the work of her imagination .
20 The main thrust of all the writings was to show that Bonapartism was for France the natural system of government and that it had been so since the Revolution .
21 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
22 She knew it was a modern world and that it happened to people all the time and that it was n't such a big deal — medically or culturally .
23 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
24 In construing the Act without reference to the Parliamentary proceedings , he treats it as decisive that in this case the taxpayers ' children were only occupying surplus accommodation and that it lay in the discretion of the school whether to grant such benefit to the taxpayers .
25 This way and that it rippled and shivered and then was still , a great sea .
26 The Oil Ministry announced on March 6 that damage assessment was under way and that it had embarked on a large-scale rehabilitation effort to restore buildings , pipelines and damaged reservoirs .
27 The belief that self-validation was not an ideal system and that it prevailed in universities for historical reasons only .
28 His mother felt helpless about the problem and that it reflected on her capability as a mother .
29 It is true that liberalism could not back a jacquerie and that it preferred to paternalism the teaching of political economy in schools .
30 What was striking was that the women artists were reshaping an inherited iconographic language and that it had become theirs to stake out as their own : the language of the body .
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