Example sentences of "[noun sg] and they were [art] " in BNC.

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1 He told His disciples that He was the vine and they were the branches , so that His life flowed in their lives , His life flows in our lives .
2 They 've removed the danger man as far as England were concerned and DaSilva both back in the pavilion and they were the wickets that England needed .
3 But I looked today in erm cash and carry sport and they were the same price .
4 I was a young engineer and they were a young band , and we were all finding our way .
5 Oh there was 's shop and they were a baker and grocer .
6 And er the cars then of course were all painted in , there were no cellulose paint , we had a paint shop there but er it , and we had an old painter who used to paint the cars in enamel and they were an awful lot of work on them .
7 Well round near us they terrorized an eighty three year old lady er near us and er it was a , I met the man next door and his wife and they were the ones that got the police because he said they 'd got her furniture out on the pavement to with a doodah up there .
8 Her hands enclosed Pertwee 's wrist as he held the lighter and they were no more steady than his .
9 His two brothers both died with smallpox cos one was , they all three went to Wolverhampton Grammar School and they were a Wednesbury family and they died with the smallpox but I thought they were putting the youngest which was my grandfather for the best trai one was going in for law and the other was going in for medicine , and the youngest was go which was the same as engineering is today I suppose , and he went into the gun trade , and I can remember him , he was a grand old chap and er he used to come and bring the springs that he 'd made and to temper them he used to throw them in the kitchen fire , and they 'd die out and get them all out of the ashes in the morning , and he used to take his week 's work in his waistcoat pockets and his day out was to get on the tram at the Brown Lion , and go straight through Wednesbury and right through West Bromwich up to the Constitutional in Birmingham to Greeners or Wembley and Scotts and he 'd got these gun locks as he 'd made during the week in his waistcoat pockets .
10 The smoke poured up towards the horizon and they were no closer to arriving at their destination , wherever and whatever that might be .
11 That er lived in this house and they were the the real grass roots of the old Labour Party , the real socialists , not like the ones that we know today that only pay lip service to it .
12 Then , wryly : ‘ There may have been another reason ; even as a young man I was a staid sort of chap and they were a bit wild at times .
13 There were five of them at one table and they were the only ones still outside .
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