Example sentences of "[noun sg] and he had the " in BNC.

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1 She stood regarding him with a serious intensity as he let in the clutch and turned the car and he had the impression that she was watching critically to see how he handled it .
2 ‘ I thought Stuart Barlow 's pace could make the difference and he had the chances .
3 Like his sister he too was dressed all in black and he had the same habit of rubbing his hands together .
4 His skin had a yellowy tinge and he had the same deepset black eyes as his mother and grandmother .
5 His iron-grey hair was parted in the middle and he had the mutton-chop whiskers of a bygone age .
6 Reagan throughout his political career had more than his share of good fortune and he had the luck to begin by facing a weak and inept opponent ; Christopher was ill equipped to meet the demands of appearing on television , and , according to one authority , he ‘ conduc-ted one of the most ineffective campaigns in California 's political history ’ .
7 He felt great , he worked with class and he had the right attitude .
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