Example sentences of "[noun sg] and he say that " in BNC.

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1 And I went to my mate this morning who 's a boxer and he said that it 's now maybe , maybe a groin strain
2 I asked him why this change of heart and he said that it was because Harold Wilson had seen fit to put her in the Lords .
3 Right he then went to the pulpit and he said that he was gon na preach about Lazarus actually but he 's a quiet fellow and he shouted at the top of his voice I 'm speaking about satanic bondage !
4 Megarry VC found for the plaintiff and he said that four elements were necessary in testing for confidential quality : 1 .
5 Hampshire county councillor Peter Maxwell was at the meeting and he said that the community charge had been set at £237 , which is £33 below the government guideline .
6 german world cup star Lothar Matheuss was interviewed after the game and he said that the team scoring the most goals over 180 minutes is the best team and thus Norwich deserved the win .
7 I explained this last point to one witch and he said that the same could be said for Christianity .
8 My husband is a minister and an artist and he says that the cannon of the female figure is various and he sees beauty in all types
9 ‘ He discoursed about his understanding of the Church and he said that we had to hold the high and the low together but for his part his sympathies were with the high .
10 A friend of mine in Holland runs a psycho-geriatric hospital and he says that approximately twenty per cent of the patients sent to him suffering from seeming senility , i.e. confusion , some incontinence , and anxiety attacks , are in fact suffering from prolonged overdoses of tea .
11 There 's a very good example of that some years ago er in one of these groups I had erm a student had a severe stutter problem and he said that he had hypnosis and for two years he was fine , he had no stutter and suddenly one day under stress it came back an and ever since erm then he was having some other kind of treatment I think , but er but that 's typical .
12 Stephen came in our class and he said that er Skillery Bridge had
13 The season was short for tourists in Green 's time and he said that the expensively equipped inns made a frugal living in the two months of the year when they were busy , while for the rest of the year , no one came .
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