Example sentences of "[noun sg] and that [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's er unfortunately the case that relations between the partners broke down and this led in due course to proceedings being commenced by the plaintiffs against the defendant in relation to the dissolution of the partners , those proceedings were commenced in nineteen eighty nine , , er in the High Court Chancery Division , there were a number of issues raised in the litigation , one of the matters was a preliminary issue , er concerning the terms of the partnership and that came before er Mr Justice on the eighteenth of February nineteen ninety one , whereby he found in favour effectively of the defendant on that preliminary issue er the plaintiffs it seems were then claiming that partnership , the partnership at will , but Mr Justice held that they were part of the terms of the particular er partnership deed , so the defendants succeeded on that issue , the trial of the action then followed on the twentieth of March nineteen ninety one and er Mr Justice made an order for dissolution of the partnership , he then give various directions for accountant enquiries concerning the partnership and he made orders for payments of costs , now the orders for costs were this , that effectively the defendant was entitled to some costs of the preliminary issue and that the plaintiffs were entitled to costs of the er ma if I may put it this way , the main action , and there was then the provision for , set off for the defendant 's costs against the costs ordered to be paid by the defendant , perfectly normal form of order .
2 You would obviously say yes he 's got a big future and that save in Corinia was a was a lifesaver for Villa .
3 The other car , the other De Dion we had , burst its radiator , but we are very resourceful ; we went and bought thirty foot of garden hose and connected it to the engine and sent the water round and round the car and that acted as a radiator , and we drove it for a week like that .
4 We have to risk that chat and that jockeying for such possible coming to terms with things .
5 In outlining a feminist model for infertility crisis counselling , Alison Solomon says that often feminists do not differentiate between the suffering caused by infertility and that caused by infertility treatment .
6 But I do feel his style did n't suit our forward play and that working with Giggs and Hughes is better for him .
7 The striking resemblance between this type of mutual support and that occurring in the human species accounts for much of the fascination of the chimpanzee for man .
8 I hope you 'll pick out what 's got to come from the East Midlands National airport , can I remind you that a list of that has already been made and passed by this council when there was not a Conservative majority and that had on it about seventy traffic calming schemes bottlenecks 'll be done all over this county which in themselves save accidents and save lives .
9 Each judge was emphatic that Justice Morling 's decision and that reached by them on appeal rested on a consideration of the context and the wording of the claim that there was ‘ little evidence ’ and ‘ none which proves scientifically ’ that cigarette smoke causes disease in non-smokers .
10 As for the bare infinitive , its use will be explained in terms of the absence of a before/after sequence between the event denoted by the full verb and that denoted by the infinitive .
11 The second related study is designed to investigate the relationship between welfare provision , household organisation and labour market activity including the role played by occupation linked pension and other welfare schemes , state financed social security and that provided within the family and the community .
12 well you know , John Smith laid out his budget for the next , study for the , to cover the next two years and there , I mean there 's no intention to , to change it in the foreseeable future , I mean they 've laid it out for two years so that the basic rate stays the same , that the personal allowances are being increased so that this will take a lot of lower paid people out of tax and that coupled with the child benefit will make everybody up to about twenty two thousand a year better off , and then from there they 'll be a , a , a range of people who to it wo n't make much difference
13 There is one fundamental difference , however , between the material which is produced within a business and that produced for external consumption .
14 A friend and I in in our church we 've started erm a mother and toddler service and that seemed to really help a lot of the young mums they really look forward and they said could we have it more often .
15 Like there is today , I mean things are altered when you get a ship now , when you get the dredger what was in the East Anglia Daily Times er yesterday , where a ship open in half , so th they load it with a grab and that go to sea and ship open in half , drop it down so there 's no doors .
16 Their chemical nature has not been satisfactorily elucidated and it is , in fact ; difficult to distinguish between cuticular darkening due to sclerotization and that caused by the presence of true melanins ( Richards , A. G. , 1967 ) .
17 Millions of people lost as a result of those cuts , but the difference between their anger and that felt by those in the poll tax battle is glue .
18 There is a parallel here between Devlin 's argument and that used by Durkheim in The Division of Labour in Society .
19 They really do n't seem to want to have that part closed off but that part along by the river and that seemed to be almost entirely er satisfactory to everybody and er Chairman fenced off one or two other people quite well .
20 When we were growing up we listened to so much different music and that sat in our heads , I guess .
21 Cycling was the backbone of the Meet right up to the start of the Fifties , but then , says Alan Wilcox , the motor car came within the reach of the working man and that led to the decline of cycling clubs .
22 The working party prepared written submissions drawing comparisons between the Bar 's training and that proposed by the Law Society but taking account of the experience solicitors would be likely to have had in the lower courts .
23 The two approaches to the study of the mother and child relationship we have discussed so far-that based on physical care and that dealing with attitudes — each originally hoped to reveal the major determinants of children 's personality development ; neither , however , has succeeded in this task .
24 There is quite a marked contrast between this view of comity analysis and that developed in the amicus brief of the United States .
25 Holists therefore face the pressing task of effecting a compromise : they must somehow overcome the opposition between their own view of the individual and that held by individualists in order to arrive at a coherent theory .
26 A second difference concerns the single union-management channel for handling regulative issues in Britain as opposed to the dual , but clearly differentiated , system in Germany between the works council structure and that provided by the union and employer .
27 The earliest recorded clocks , such as the St Alban 's clock and that erected in the Palace Chapel of the Visconti in Milan in 1335 , struck up to twenty-four .
28 This impression of the infinitive event 's already being in the bag calls for a representation in which there is no separation between the event denoted by the infinitive and that denoted by bid , no way to conceive the bidding as existing without the infinitive 's event also being actualized .
29 We 've got a rota system and that started at four this morning and is now full for the rest of the day , so there will be a strong presence around the building all day long .
30 In speech , particularly in informal conversation , we plan at the point of utterance — hence the hesitations , false starts , reformulations and so on that are part and parcel of the nature of speech and that deviate in frequency only when speech becomes either highly formalised ( i.e. " frozen " , as Joos ( 1967 ) calls it ) or highly intimate .
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