Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [is] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mitcham which contains a number of interesting Georgian houses , is now a separate borough and is well known for its historic cricket green and its lavender factory .
2 One physical reason for difficulty which is greatly exaggerated in popular thinking and is even claimed mistakenly as the basis of some sexual dysfunction is that of abnormal size in the sexual organs .
3 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
4 This callous view of suffering which smacks strongly of the protestant ethic ( epitomized in the complacent exhortation : God helps those who help themselves ) has a very familiar ring and is clearly seen today in the attitudes towards the mentally ill held by all but the most enlightened members of western societies .
5 The Popi also has its own roof terrace and is ideally situated — right next door to the Nitsa studios , so you 'll never be short of company and action .
6 ‘ The people has completely lost its nerve and is dreadfully wound up and frightened ’ , ran a report from Upper Bavaria in March 1945 , as once again an ‘ enemy air armada ’ in full flight formation crossed the skies completely unimpeded .
7 Although infection with type II virus is the rule and is usually acquired through contact with the sexual partner 's infected genitalia , type I infection following mouth-to-genital contact is becoming increasingly common .
8 Mr Whitmee gave his last singing performance to Darlington Folk Club and is fondly remembered by many members .
9 Mr Whitmee gave his last singing performance to Darlington Folk Club and is fondly remembered by many members .
10 The waterfall , however , is a hundred yards downriver and is best reached by walking back along the road for fifty yards to the end of a wall , where a step down in the undergrowth discloses a good path high on the river bank above a deep gorge , the waterfall soon being seen through a canopy of foliage .
11 The term that comes to mind and is much used by Germans in the training clubs is ‘ empty vessels make the most noise ’ .
12 If you wish to invite your Principal please apply for a complimentary ticket from the office should you do this please ensure that any V.I.P. you have invited is met , conducted to their seat and taken to tea and is generally made to feel welcome .
13 Every now and then a new game appears which sends the press wild with appraisal and is usually followed with a roaring applause at the ECTS annual awards ceremony .
14 It is the world 's most expensive and fastest production car and is hugely sought after .
15 If a patient returns after a prolonged course of antibiotic therapy and is still found to be harbouring the ubiquitous pus cell in the urethra , then it may well be that he has reinfected himself from his , as yet untreated , sexual partner .
16 In the Natural Environment with its unlimited potential for dilution , organic breakdown , photosynthesis and nitrification , such waste material has little , if any , immediate effect and is essentially absorbed and recycled into the biological chain of events .
17 Industrial experience is gained through ‘ live ’ project work supported by local industry and is further informed by visits to manufacturing companies and retail outlets .
18 She is not an established lady in what was very much a man 's industry and is highly respected by both drivers and haulage operators over a wide area .
19 Transend Pro is getting a bit long in the tooth and is easily eclipsed on the fax side by the ‘ lite ’ versions of fax software bundled with the other modems I looked at .
20 ‘ … shit-scared because he 's about to be blasted into particles even smaller and more radioactive than Ronald Reagan 's brain , goes to the loo ; by sheer coincidence the crap he does solidifies in the intense cold of outer space and the pursuing spaceship runs into it at about half the speed of light and is totally destroyed .
21 Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach .
22 CATALINA PBY-6A EC-FMC is still working for its living and is actively used as a fire-bomber .
23 The Central Yacht Club of the Trade Unions has a good harbour and is centrally located , but its clubhouse , which looks impressive from the outside , is unfinished because of lack of funds .
24 Cholesterol is a natural substance in the blood and is mostly made from the fat in the food we eat , though the body itself is quite capable of making an adequate supply .
25 The back of the rug is then coated with latex and is normally covered by a piece of cloth .
26 Each input-output tile has a 5mA drive capability and is not dedicated to a particular input-output pad .
27 An erosion surface should show up as an excess in a certain range of altitude and this can be revealed by a device such as a hypsographic curve , which aims to depict the overall distribution of elevation and is usually used to illustrate the earth 's major relief features .
28 While setting up the calm surface of village life in a realistic manner , the film does so only as a contrast to the savagery that ensues : a priest is shot while making a stand against ‘ the enemies and oppressors of mankind ’ , the Post Office lady kills a German with an axe and is promptly bayonetted herself , and the vicar 's daughter disposes of the Quisling squire , to whom she had been amorously linked .
29 She turned professional at 15 and spent 2 years on the tennis circuit and is now ranked in the top 5 in Britain .
30 This was expanded upon in a SAVE book ten years later , Churches : A Question of Conversion , which received wide acclaim and is much used by church authorities , planners , parishioners and architects .
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