Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb past] i [art] " in BNC.

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1 The employee behind the check in desk gave me a huge smile and welcomed me to the airport , gave me my seat reservation card and wished me a good journey .
2 Mrs Young , who had paused in her search , finally found her purse and gave me a dollar .
3 And he bou he bought me this top and he bought me a , a polo neck and bought me a C D and then we went out to supper and then we went to a pub and everything and erm , you know , had a really decent conversation with him and just talking to him makes me think , you know , and it dawns on me that he 's just a big he 's just a big child and he 's not , he 's never grown , he 's not , you 're not gon na grow up .
4 Megan unpacked the picnic tea and handed me a plastic cup .
5 ‘ I always walked the seven miles home , but that day the Old Man and Peter Revers came past in the car and offered me a lift .
6 So basically what happens is Mike Rutherford will ring me up after they 've done the album and sent me a tape .
7 ‘ Mr Lloyd George came … and informed me that he is able to form an administration and told me the proposed names of his colleagues , ’ the King wrote in his diary .
8 Just as we were about to leave , Frank Dick called me to one side and gave me a blistering reprimand .
9 She cocked her head on one side and gave me a long scrutiny , almost as though she had never seen me before .
10 The robot finished its work and showed me a little animal .
11 The retort earned a laugh and gave me a split second to stop my heart from racing .
12 She came down to Riverside with me , watched as we rehearsed then followed me into the loo and gave me a blow job — something I just was n't used to as a 17-year-old grammar school boy still living at home with his mum and dad .
13 Again they swallowed my story and gave me a year 's conditional discharge .
14 ‘ Certainly , ’ he said , as if he had never seen me before , took my money and gave me a ticket .
15 Thank you to the person who arrived unknowingly on my doorstep and gave me a really sympathetic cuddle while I cried for 10 minutes ( ? ) in relief that I had misunderstood the doctor .
16 The taxi driver leaned through his window at one point and passed me a small scrap of paper .
17 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
18 They made me very welcome , then gave me a clean towel and showed me the showers .
19 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
20 He turned his head and gave me a direct look .
21 The farmer reached to the cluttered windowsill and handed me a bottle .
22 Everyone laughed , and the captain clapped me on the back and called me a good fellow .
23 In typical style Shaheen had commissioned the QE2 to take a large party of people to the opening and offered me a cabin on her , but as I could not spare the time and was not sure that I would be entirely at home with my fellow passengers , I flew over in response to his invitation .
24 Looking back upon that exit , I am reminded of a particularly nasty afternoon forty-two years ago , when as a young subaltern cowering in a ditch , the sole survivor of a shattered Churchill tank crawled from his steel tomb and offered me a cigarette .
25 He read my amusement and gave me a twisted grin .
26 ‘ It 's alright for some ’ , they say , as if my fairy godmother has miraculously waved her magic wand and offered me a real life Martini advert on a plate .
27 Thanks also to the kind young woman with two young children who helped me on the train and gave me an orange drink .
28 At length these bitter fruits of sin , and a sense of dependency on his providence for the averting those dreadful consequences with which others were imminently threatened , brought me to the repentance and gave me a victory over those guilty passions by which I had been so long enslaved .
29 I was not a skilful boxer but I did have a knock-out punch , which connected early in the first round and won me the fight .
30 He took me back to the past and showed me the future .
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