Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb pp] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 From knowing the actual word that should have been written at a particular position in the input , a simple NAWK program was written which loaded the target word for each position into an associative array , then went through the Q100 lattice and printed out the recognition score assigned to each target word .
2 But by the time I had turned off the road from Bellingham at Kielder village and driven up the bumpy Forest Drive to East Kielder Farm , I was longing for the sight of something other than water and trees .
3 Her visitor wandered nonchalantly over to the window and looped back the curtain to peer out .
4 And in the process of course destroying the old Europe , allowing the very thing that , arguably , they were trying to stop from happening , to happen , that is to say , allowing the Russians to advance towards the Elbe , and allowing the Anglo-Saxons as they see it to erm come from the west and taken over the western half of Europe .
5 Henry went up to the landing and sized up the lavatory .
6 The following morning they lit the oil-lamp in the shrine and loaded up the sheep .
7 By the early 1950s the binder had been rendered out of date by the combine harvester , which cut the crop and separated out the grain in one operation .
8 Anyway , we nailed our box to the wall and propped up the front with a piece of wood , to make it stable enough to support the weight of our two owls .
9 Lying in bed at night , she would remind herself that in only a few months ' time she would be his , and would have assumed his name and taken on the position of head of his household .
10 The administrator phoned the estate owner and brought in the National Guard who captured the leaders of the union from their homes one night .
11 As one farmer , who had participated in a number of courses , put it , ‘ it could assist the instructor and liven up the learning process ’ .
12 He 's trampled on my alstroemerias and my dahlias , kicked out my cucumber frame and broken down the fence into the orchard . ’
13 In fact , the government ‘ took on ’ AT&T in the 1970s , and it was the Reagan administration of the 1980s — the villain of your piece — that secured real relief and brought on the phenomenal competition enjoyed today by refusing to accept the cosmetic settlement that had been negotiated by the Carter administration .
14 On June 5th of that year he suddenly appeared at Racedown — ‘ he did not keep to the high road , but leaped over a gate and bounded down the pathless field ’ .
15 He reached down to the floor and folded back the carpet .
16 Three powerful strokes brought her to the rail where she went straight into an underwater turn and headed down the pool .
17 I started off the way I write every album — wrote a couple of songs , got a feel for the music and called up the musicians that I thought I could do the songs with .
18 What they did n't realize was that granules of radioactive material left in the bottom of the dissolving vessel had evaporated the residual liquid and heated up the base .
19 But last time I climbed it I started at Wall End Farm and headed up the ravine of Redacre Gill .
20 ‘ We think these blackbirds must have lost their brood and taken on the bluetit chicks as substitutes . ’
21 Emma Morwood , from Carrickfergus , was travelling on the ferry with her family and filled in the questionnaire given to passengers .
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