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1 Just to be clear , the , we talked here about er the funding and the , the need not to , to let this muddy the this committee 's own highway programme and I think we we 're aware of that .
2 Cheaper money and a plunge in the cost of living are working their way through the system , but the Government 's finances are still in a mess and I think we could inherit a financial deficit of as much as £50bn in 1993-94 .
3 The request will go before their committee and I think we 'll get the Stewart fight first , ’ Maloney said .
4 We need to be innovative and extrovert , looking to the future and the continued enhancement of the Institute and I think we will always be enriched by the direct entrants so long as these continue to be strictly monitored .
5 I think we 'd be er prepared to accept this at , what 's asked for is a feasibility study , no more than that in the first instance and I think we 'd be prepared to accept .
6 So the net effect of your suggested criterion is to get us rather further from a decision than even the chairman and I thought we might be at ten o'clock this morning .
7 ‘ Our brief has always been to get back to our home ground and stay in the First Division and I think we are capable of achieving both . ’
8 ‘ There 's a lot of zander throughout the canal and I think we 'll be leaving it until next season before we reschedule the match , ’ he said .
9 Friern and Claybury was thus our starting point and we thought we could surely provide something better than that .
10 HARRY Mead is entitled to his opinion and I think we might have suffered his first disparaging comment on Bowes Museum and its founders ( Echo June 5 ) without protest .
11 I also give a guarantee that it is n't just a one off situation , meeting we all go away and forget about what we 've said I can assure you that wo n't happen minutes have been taken and and what 's been said this evening that will be conveyed to the management committee meeting the board meeting and I think we need to look very clearly at a very closely what 's been said and respond to what 's been said and I think that it 's been suggested also raised this evening about having a further meeting to report back and say erm this has been said this is our response .
12 It 's got an image , it 's got an emotional contact and I think we 're gon na play that for all it 's worth .
13 Quite a lot of fish were returned to the water and I think we took over seventy in that couple of hours in the afternoon .
14 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
15 Our fourth child had been born 10 years previously and I do n't expect anyone believed there would be any more , but my wife and I thought we were getting too old too quickly , so we would have another two ; and on November 5 that year my wife went down to the bonfire which was already alight and saw on top of it a dropside cot she had been keeping , and which had served the four children , a relatively new carricot , and other items of that sort .
16 ‘ My colleague and I thought we could stop patients ’ psychotic tendencies by removing the parts of the brain responsible for triggering violence .
17 But that actually occurred this week and I think we 're gon na see more of that .
18 I actually believe it should be operating all week and I think we should support this amendment .
19 ‘ Guides should be setting the example and I think we should think about the way we put adventure first . ’
20 He has been discouraging enquiry and I think we live with that legacy which produces apathy in our general population about health care issues .
21 Thank you Mr Chairman erm from the Conservative side we would erm be happy to accept the two labour er resolutions erm as , as on the paper as erm I , I would ask that er perhaps with a spirit of co-operation and I think we all agree on this subject .
22 Yeah , I think people feel uneasy about the whole subject of surrogacy because we know that sometimes rich women have paid poor women er , for surrogacy or adoption and I think we want that choice to be a free one , in which case we have to raise their material circumstances so no one is forced to sell their baby , just as no one should be forced to sell , you know , their blood !
23 ‘ For a time he was fighting for his life and we thought we might lose him .
24 I would like to say in general Mr I think that as a Committee we should welcome this report which does , it really does er has done a very thorough job and ha a a and provides us now with a s understandable framework and and time scale work when you 've got target and when brought forward or shown to any member of the complex that that erm I think provisionally with the backlog of what is now ready to tackle the result onto our and commissioner is grant er , er grant , erm there will be , it will be like an enormous benefits not just in those areas that John has taken us to but in general atmosphere which kind of be very tense and competition and I think we 'll be , be seeing the action in this token er within it will be er target time , erm real pro real progress will be this I think the feeling of that will going , come by will , will , will be a lot of ruling er in this area and maybe even start to er leave the question from er as a result and the signal to the users of our serv , of the services and erm would go out of here in a planned way and in answer to er fairly speedily and you know what or reduce the erm the aggro .
25 She added : ‘ Cameron Toll is a very busy centre and I think we can progress into the 90s with no problems whatsoever . ’
26 This is the first time 3 forces have gone into a joint exercise from the outset and I think we 'll see that example spread right across the country to the extent where eventually the whole country will be given police air support .
27 I do not believe those powers would be of use My Lords I er take the view that they would not have been abused by past Home Secretaries , no not by men like the late Tutor Reed or the Noble Lord Jenkins or the Noble Lord Callaghan , they would not be abused today by my Right Honourable Friend Mr Howard , I doubt if they would be abused by Mr Blair should he at some time become Home Secretary and I think we 're becoming slightly attached to an artificial argument that somehow or the other there is great respect for the local authorities , but which is not extended to the National Institutions of Government and to the Home Office and the Home Secretary .
28 I know the man and I think we can get him . ’
29 That 's right , because you had sugar in your wee and we thought we really must have a look at what we 've got , your fasting blood sugar was absolutely fine , so that looks normal .
30 I think we 've already discussed over great length and I think we 've gone as far as we can go at this moment .
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