Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun sg] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Good locks are n't cheap … unless you compare them with the sort of loss and distress even a minor burglary can cause .
2 There , you could ask a dozen out to dinner at the last moment knowing that you were supported by the twin pillars of traiteur and pâtisserie only a telephone call away .
3 We had an afternoon and evening once a week ; and I had to be in at nine , not a minute later .
4 But soon they too would be absorbed by the world of the camp , know their way about it in their sleep , do the washing-up and water-carrying once a week , or walk about like negroes in G-strings made out of a towel .
5 On Dec. 27 the government announced that it intended to end the sectarian dispute by acquiring the contested site and building both a mosque and a Hindu temple .
6 ‘ They told me that this year they have employed a private contractor who is supposed to cut grass at least twice a month and weed once a month but its not happening , ’ he added .
7 In most countries complicated tax laws make the use of outside advice and assistance almost a necessity .
8 And that yo can keep the dog and cat upstairs a bit ca n't we ?
9 But again there is ambivalence over whether they should be encouraged into the countryside : to the farmer and conservationist alike a vision is conjured up of marauding inner-city teenagers and other undesirable aliens , wreaking havoc in an environment best kept well away from ‘ those kinds of people ’ .
10 She is fed performance mix with bran and hay twice a day .
11 If you bear in mind the fact that the wealth of data available makes even tighter analysis and cross-analysis solely a function of the limits of the computer , you may begin to appreciate what is not only possible , but is happening right now .
12 The weak nuclear force was not well understood until 1967 , when Abdus Salam at Imperial College , London , and Steven Weinberg at Harvard both proposed theories that unified this interaction with the electromagnetic force , just as Maxwell had unified electricity and magnetism about a hundred years earlier .
13 Everyone assumes that students know how to make and use their notes , and yet time and time again a piece of work does not receive the grade it deserves because crucial material or ideas have been left out ; often this is information which the lecturer gave out in classes but which the student did not note down .
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