Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun sg] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Hare and dog disappeared into the scrub at the far end of the field .
2 In the ‘ midsummer month ’ of June , as pond and stream burst into life , I have chosen to feature the water-lily , dragonfly and bulrush for my design .
3 On Sunday the 17th of Rabi'I [ 20 March 1650 ] the festival of Nauroz [ New Year ] was celebrated in the most splendid and sumptuous style as the ocean of royal bounty and munificence broke into surging billows …
4 She was warm , deliciously warm , all over , for the first time since leaving Scotland , and when she had arrived , but an hour before , she had come straight up to Aunt Emily 's room with no injunctions to change her boots or smooth her hair , and been given a tray of tea and toast cut into little fingers and tiny biscuits flavoured with almond .
5 An oval silver medallion and chain slid into her hand , and she studied it , frowning .
6 A second approach , a predictive information system , can be used where the information system may have a degree of prediction and inference built into it .
7 But only the snow and wind blew into the room .
8 Into other cases emotion and imagination came into play .
9 However , unlike the Shavante , whose ritual and rhetoric sets into opposition groups and categories of people , and indeed celebrates separation and opposition , Piaroa institutions downplay , ignore , and mask the principles of separation and opposition , principles they associate with relations of dominance and tyranny ( see Overing Kaplan 1981 ) .
10 How can an up-and-over garage door be draught and weatherproofed to prevent wind and rain blowing into it ?
11 After cutting out the neck shape , the raw edge is enclosed with a double band , which can be backstitched on the right side and slip stitched into position on the wrong side .
12 It also wants the Government to look at the wider issue of what happens to British aid and credit going into Ghana .
13 ‘ The whole caravan of masses of wool and mud disappear into that cave — the shepherd and a woman with a lantern shut the doors behind them . ’
14 My face went deathly cold and saliva rushed into my mouth .
15 She is the person who runs the home , and in this her position is the same as that of the peasants and craftsmen of former times — for her , too , work and life merge into one another .
16 Power through wealth and confidence leads into the upper echelons of companies and into networks and lobby groups which have an ability to extend influence into other domains in our society through elite networks .
17 The sun sets and the harsh lines of sun and shadow dissolve into blurred shapes and muted colours .
18 Maybe I should have taken you to Calypso 's Cave , over on Gozo , ’ he added mockingly , running his hands down over her hips and closing the gap between them so that every hollow and curve came into contact with the steely wall of his legs and stomach , ‘ where the goddess Calypso managed to detain Ulysses for seven years … ’
19 • writing — with three attainment targets in the primary stages : a growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language , matching style to audience and purpose ; spelling ; and handwriting ; but two in the secondary stages , with spelling and handwriting merged into an attainment target called presentation .
20 writing — with three attainment targets in the primary stages : a growing ability to construct and convey meaning in written language , matching style to audience and purpose ; spelling ; and handwriting ; but two in the secondary stages , with spelling and handwriting merged into an attainment target called presentation .
21 Once a process model definition module , pmodel , has been installed successfully , any modules of the defined type and subtype entered into LIFESPAN will follow the lifecycle defined by the process model .
22 I understand that the deep ditch that the boy and motorcycle crashed into on that fateful night is referred to as ‘ deadman 's ditch ’ , a horrific reminder of a foolhardy game that cost a young man his life .
23 A growing athleticism and professionalism came into the game in Australia .
24 Czartoryski Museum and Library converted into foundation with advice from London art dealer , Andrew Ciechanowiecki
25 For me peace and prayer melt into one attitude and as my life grew ever more complex , I needed , in direct ratio , ever more peace .
26 Furthermore , the insurers are judge and jury rolled into one — if they do not think that your case has a reasonable chance of success they will not indemnify you .
27 Even politics , philosophy and science come into the same category .
28 We are pleased to see a programme of monitoring and review built into the scheme and hope that it will be possible to measure its success at the end of its first three years and make adjustments as necessary .
29 I just ca n't remember when I found the time to wash my hair and iron creases into my flares .
30 A SHOT of Mexican liquor mixed with champagne and lime goes into potent tequila slammers .
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