Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [be] [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The money would be spent to pay social insurance benefits to people who had been persecuted and driven out of the country at the time of the Anschluss and were now living in countries such as Israel and the United States , and a small proportion would be devoted to projects in Austria .
2 She took the kitten in its little cardboard box to the bedroom and was constantly getting up all night , peering at the tiny bundle of black fur .
3 I just knew it would be a trick question to start the contest and was desperately groping for a trick answer when Swartz said ‘ Silverstone ’ and scored his opening point .
4 Maccabi were Rosenthal 's first club and are now tracking the out-of-favour Liverpool striker .
5 The Romanian Government , WHO and UNICEF have taken a great interest in our education programme and are actively looking for ways to use it as a model for Health Education in Romania .
6 Susan Hyland joined the British Foreign Service , while Anne McGivern survived the torturous B.C.L. programme and is now training to be a barrister in Northern Ireland .
7 She had braked the pram outside a newsagent and was just stooping to pick up Charlotte and take her inside for the chocolate , when she thought : I must n't .
8 Name switch : Nexus , the electronic payment services group , has changed its name to that of its majority French shareholder and is now trading as Sligos Payment Services .
9 Midnight had left the doorway and was already running across the yard .
10 Perry has taken a generous hit from his lover and is now nodding off .
11 Aunt Louise had the vocal range of the born actress and was now using a deep ( though soft ) organ note .
12 The trouble with Ben was , he still thought he was in the police force and was constantly leaving scribbled messages about procedures for patrolling the yard and checking the padlocks and bolts .
13 Bought four years ago from Johnson Matthey , it has since trebled turnover and is now making healthy profits .
14 The man that rarely smiles on camera , dresses like crap and is quietly emerging as the biggest sex-symbol despite-everything since Roland Rivron .
15 That 's starting to take er effect and is actually beginning to er , to pay off .
16 Cambridge , Massachusetts-based Thinking Machines Corp has sold one of its new massively parallel CM-5 Scale 3 computers to US management and technology consultants Booz , Allen & Hamilton , McLean , Virginia : the machine will be used as a ‘ computing powerhouse ’ in the firm 's System Resource Center ; Booz Allen specialises in data analysis , scheduling and database applications for government and industry and is currently developing massively parallel applications for identifying fraud by analysing transaction data , and applications that analyse credit card sales to track customers ' purchasing behaviour .
17 Indeed , comparative legal analysis forms a well-recognised feature of traditional legal scholarship and is increasingly becoming a focus of legal study in its own right .
18 Maybe it is true that the differences between women and men are genetically determined as suggested by Arnold Jago ( Letters NI 191 ) — and it does seem to be men who cause all the wars , poverty , oppression and are now causing the destruction of the planet — so perhaps Mr Jago would agree that there is no hope but to get rid of the lot of them .
19 He missed most of last season but has run well this term and was certainly going as strongly as anything before making a mistake at the third last in the Gold Cup .
20 It jumped headfirst into the 1980s property boom and is now paying the price : the ebbing tide has revealed not only severe recession damage , but also gaping holes which should have been plugged years ago .
21 She had read law as an undergraduate and was now reading for the Bar .
22 Thankfully , she had n't even noticed that Charity had changed from the blue wrap-around skirt and was now wearing red shorts with her white silk blouse .
23 He glanced over his left shoulder and saw the three other officers were still two hundred yards away , then a shouted challenge from his right revealed that the French Lieutenant had succeeded in turning his horse and was now spurring back to make a new attack .
24 Sales were focused first on the East Coats , then the West Coast and are now spreading to the Gulf of Mexico , pulling in new business — currently worth about £1 million a year — at a time when marine growth is static .
25 The third rig , holding Deputy Fenton 's four-man guard detail and their captives , had pulled onto the wide verge ahead of Rocky 's vehicle and was now awaiting more prisoners to fill its spacious interior , if all went according to plan .
26 I went up to his suite at the Monogram and was just opening my sample case when , imagine my surprise … ’
27 It is now said to have completed the main porting work and is now wading through the device driver work .
28 ESRC has funded some of the survey work and is now supporting the production of a book based on the project to be included in the series on the Inner Cities Programme .
29 The hospital staff are beginning to grasp the difference between CAB and social work and are now involving the CAB with more in-patient cases .
30 That it did n't cost England more dearly was due to the fact that the Scots simply had n't planned for such a generous return and were consequently playing the wrong strategy .
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