Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [pron] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But er , you you we 're gon na make you a nice one and join the bloody club so you 'll be an armchair socialist and we look after you and that 's what they are !
2 There 's a pattern to their thinking and I feel as if I 'm beginning to discern it .
3 Most owners misinterpret these problems as grief and they overcompensate by giving their dog more attention than they are used to ; they fail to realise that it howls because it is lonely and insecure !
4 We think someone in the community is protecting the killer and we want to be sure we 've spoken to everyone
5 Well once again if you look at the er er if you look at the full page which costs nine hundred pound on a on a golf club score card and you look at the full page in the A five booklet
6 But the question is you have to design the experiment and you have to be the expert .
7 The good thing about being in the scrum is when you push over and they all collapse and you fall on top of them .
8 We readily accept that management of the Ministry of Sound takes unprecedented and most stringent measures to prevent drugs being taken into the club and we apologise for any implication to the contrary .
9 Tucker admits : ‘ I have been approached by a big Welsh club and I know at least four others in the team who have too .
10 ‘ The world championships are in the forefront of my mind and I have to be patient .
11 As I trudge my way home through the city streets The cats and the houses retreat And a thunder of hooves beats in my mind And I gallop through acres of wheat .
12 I fetched the glasses , broke the seal and we set to .
13 Because I went up to their fabric department and I want to after Christmas I 'm going to wash all the covers on the er settees , you know er the dralon .
14 We have to live with uncertainty and we have to a far more adaptable than previous generations .
15 Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief ?
16 Race 's power to surprise fades as we progress through the 400-odd pages of ‘ raw ’ talk and we arrive at the conclusion more exhausted than enthralled .
17 The , did they have a piece and you cut off the bottom ?
18 They are hard up , you know , heavens they 're run they drive a crapped out , clapped out old car and they live in a ghastly little bungalow in the middle of nowhere .
19 He picks me up in his mother 's car and we drive through Colonia Escalon to a roundabout where cars park beside Snack stalls .
20 Jack opened his presents in the car and we head for home and a tin of lentil soup .
21 " Let him take your car and you stay with me , " Nick said .
22 Have one of those things in the car and you speak to the R A C or the A A
23 I was going absolutely eppy This is in the middle of class , I was going eppy And she goes and I goes , oh yes just cos daddy 's got a very nice car and you live in Inkborough like this !
24 ‘ With free trade the European community is becoming a strong force and we want to be a part of it ’ , says Nereaux-Weber .
25 Playing up to it , he gives an autograph and we board for free .
26 The result was a network of municipal crime prevention councils which co-ordinate social and criminal justice agencies to deal with the circumstances that breed crime and which focus on youth in particular .
27 I tell you what it was , it was Samsung , if you 've a little bit of tape and you end at beginning and you want it , well say you wanted to tape to test a little bit say off telly or
28 It is probably churlish to contrast that with those who spent $15 billion last autumn vainly trying to prop up the pound and who remain in post at Threadneedle Street and 11 Downing Street .
29 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
30 I do n't believe John , that that was the intent of the resolution , I 'm certain of that , that is the effect and I think in the interests of everybody , I 'd ask you on behalf of the C E C to withdraw that motion .
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