Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] on the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile Stanley made short work of undoing the nuts , pulling off the old wheel and slipping on the new .
2 Drivers of both groups said that drunken passengers were a problem : they ‘ messed about ’ in the car , grabbed the steering wheel and pulled on the handbrake .
3 The jeep continued to bounce and surge along the rutted , forlorn track that led , Robyn prayed , to the barn and to help , for several more minutes , while she gripped the wheel and perched on the edge of her seat , peering through the rain for any signs of civilisation .
4 If this advice is ignored , the torque of the seven-foot-diameter propeller , and the airflow it sends corkscrewing down the fuselage and acting on the large fin , causes the relatively light 207 to suddenly aim for the left-hand side of the runway .
5 Despite these real successes , however , my sense is that now is a time to take stock and to reflect on the theoretical , pedagogic and political foundations of multiculturalism and antiracism .
6 The song , properly known as the ‘ Song of the Western Men ’ , was not sung on the road : it was not written until two centuries later , by the eccentric Parson Hawker of Morwenstow , ( in the intervals between scaring his parishioners by dressing as a mermaid and singing on the seashore ) .
7 If you use a pattern such as a basic 1x1 pattern ( that 's one hole punched , one hole blank , all across the card and alternating on the next row ) the resulting fabric has very short floats , not floats at all really ( swatch 6 ) .
8 Sony Corp appointed Michael Schulhof , now vice-chairman of Sony USA Inc , to the post of president and chief executive of its US unit , which will be renamed Sony Corp of America : Schulhof joined Sony in 1974 after a mainly academic career as a physicist and worked on the development of the compact disk ; in 1989 , he became one of the first Americans to be appointed to the board of a major Japanese company .
9 We have a new phone system , so you can r If you want to test it out you might as well just give me a ring and come on the air to begin with .
10 Then he walked into his bedroom and sat on the edge of his bed with his head bowed while the bath filled , breathing deeply .
11 I went into my own bedroom and sat on the bed for a few minutes .
12 as if remembering the steps of a dance she walked to the long cheval mirror in the bedroom and tried on the dress , a dark grey beaded silk gown by Bruce Oldfield .
13 But once in the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed , her arm around her daughter , what could she say ?
14 She was run over by a car travelling at excessive speed and overtaking on the wrong side .
15 In conclusion , we can say that the classical system depends crucially upon : ( a ) the dependence of investment and saving on the rate of interest ; ( b ) the upward and downward flexibility of wages , prices and interest rates ; ( c ) the existence of competitive forces in the economy .
16 He turned off the main light switch and put on the bedside lamp , and against the lamp he propped an old brown photograph .
17 Lord Forte will become president and remain on the group 's board .
18 She walked to the edge of the terrace and leaned on the balustrade , looking out over Florence .
19 ‘ There was peach cup — that was very good ; and we played guessing games and I won three times and later on they rolled up the carpet — figuratively — we just went out on the terrace and turned on the gramophone and danced . ’
20 The failure of the League of Nations in Danzig was a failure of nerve and understanding on the part of the member states : unforgivably they minimised the difficulty and frustrations of the position they had carved for Poland — a country emerging to modernity after over 100 years of partition , a country without financial capital , with hostile neighbours , border problems , huge minorities but without a port of its own .
21 Dumas grew jealous of the workmanship and insisted on the Bey lending him the best craftsmen , saying ‘ you need that room only after your death , but I need your craftsmen while I am alive ’ .
22 The Congress of Deputies on Nov. 16 approved an all-party declaration deploring the murder and calling on the public to reject racism , while politicians of both the left and the right and trade union leaders joined in a protest march against racism in the capital on Nov. 21 .
23 This new circular building houses a panoramic restaurant , with cabaret and dancing on the top floor .
24 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
25 Running the club and working on the house gets a bit much sometimes . ’
26 Finally the tram got underway and as it started to pull up at the end of the track by the foot of Duke Street Hill Carrie was already out of her seat and waiting on the platform at the rear of the vehicle , with Fred at her side gripping her arm for fear that she would fall off before it actually stopped .
27 Miguel waited while she climbed up into the driver 's seat and wrapped on the seat belt .
28 Philip ran to the edge of the feeding-ground and stood on the log .
29 Select a programme and concentrate on the dialogue for a change .
30 For thousands of years a few men have searched for these human fruits ; they have filled their minds with the lovely ideas and have taken up their long search and watch on the lonely shore of the other world .
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