Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am his girlfriend and have been for sometime , ’ she said last night .
2 Among the most prominent of Syrian political prisoners was Noureddin al-Atasi , who had immediately preceded Assad as President and had been in prison since 1970 .
3 Does he not realize that the people of Ulster are quite passively tolerating Dublin rule and have been since the 15th of November 1985 .
4 hold a position of responsibility within the industry and have been in such a post for at least two years
5 Election expenses are limited by statute and have been since 1883 .
6 He had an accident at work and has been off work for two weeks .
7 The first title , Everyday Listening and Speaking is in preparation .
8 Groping , verbal abuse and pawing are among the daily humiliations that nurses face , says the study by Sarah Finnis and Ian Robbins .
9 Jeff works in the dyehouse and has been with the company for ten years .
10 Ramsgill Moor varies from 1,000 to 1,700ft. above sea level and has been in the Briggs family since 1946 .
11 All golf and gin and bridge and cars and the right accent and the right money and having been to the right school and hating the arts ( the theatre being a pantomime at Christmas and ‘ Hay Fever ’ by the Town Rep Picasso and Bartók dirty words unless you wanted to get a laugh ) .
12 It has been rediscovered by dynamic psychology in the twentieth century , but it is an ancient insight and has been in the Bible all along .
13 Septimus , who was a philosopher by nature and had been in a French prison before , made the most of his breakfast in a way peculiarly his own .
14 Asprey , 5p higher at 290p , is flush with cash and has been on an acquisitions spree in the last 15 months .
15 Section 4 assistance to the industry has tripled from £1 million to nearly £33 million during the same period and has been of great advantage to the economy of Wales .
16 But this is my dwelling place and has been for nearly four months now .
17 Janet works in the Sales Office on Customer Service and has been with the company for two and half years .
18 The same passion , pride and hurt is in the playing and , illuminatingly , the purpose and intricate invention of the blues suddenly starts to take shape .
19 The foundation and framing are of English oak , the panels and case are mahogany , while the interior woodwork is polished white hornbeam .
20 For one thing , Kelly 's very happily involved in a relationship and has been for some time , so I 'm quite convinced her eyes wo n't stray towards any ski-bums , no matter how handsome . ’
21 President Taya had followed up a July 29 amnesty for state security and press law offenders with a further amnesty , announced on Aug. 18 , for people who had been sentenced in their absence and had been in exile for over 15 years .
22 The amateur actor was born with only a third of a kidney and has been on dialysis for the past four years .
23 According to Spicker , this debate is ‘ moribund and has been for years ’ .
24 Every Sunday on our way back from church , we 'd call on Mrs Wright , whose son was a Schools Inspector and had been to Cambridge .
25 Zabaleta , 39 , known in ETA as Waldo , had been involved with ETA since he was a teenager and had been in charge of its itinerant commandos since 1984 .
26 For instance , the single person 's National Insurance retirement pension in 1990 is worth 26 per cent more than unemployment benefit , whereas back in 1972 they were paid at the same rate and had been for most of the period since 1948 .
27 Answers to questions about their fellow workers ' reactions when they heard the news of planned redundancies suggested a difference in attitude between some of those who were close to pension age and had been with the company for long periods and other workers .
28 If this sounds like a trite tear-jerker , the writing and acting are of a highly intelligent quality and Joan Knight 's production never becomes mawkish .
29 Romero is a provincial film-maker by choice and has been since the 1960s , long before this was common — if indeed it is even now , despite the growth of independent film-making and its important contribution to the artistically enfeebled Hollywood mainstream .
30 A recent divorce petition cited the fact that just about every wall , fitment and piece of furniture in the home was in a half-dismantled or half-done state and had been for years .
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