Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [pers pn] from " in BNC.

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1 The Confederation of British Industry stepped forward with a plan that practically doubled the sum to be spent by the government : £21 billion to rewrite the nation 's economic geography and save it from catastrophe .
2 Sinatra also held the rights to the movie and withdrew it from the public domain shortly after release because it closely shadowed the Kennedy assassination .
3 She waited for morning , the words playing through her mind and keeping her from sleep .
4 I know now what her power is strong enough to shatter a man 's mind and cast him from this world .
5 He plunged on the bomber and raked it from tail to nose ; then let his dive carry him under it and pulled up in time to plant a burst in its belly before climbing into a half-roll which brought the next plane almost within range .
6 Cornelius came around the car and took it from him .
7 For a start when she was talking about fish and chips she said well we 'll pop along in the car and get them from Moor Road cos they have nice er chips there but then , being as Tony had had a drink he would n't drive so
8 But Patsy decided she needed a hand with the unpacking and phoned him from the car on the way home .
9 I doubt whether we can afford it , I doubt whether , I think the problems are so immense , er what really means is down I think , tearing down most of their industry and rebuilding it from scratch .
10 He took a taper and lit it from the large wax candle burning in front of the statue of the Madonna .
11 The rapist got into the same carriage and followed her from Hillingdon station , Middx .
12 When he came into her she stuck him like a pig and ripped him from his abdomen up to his breastbone .
13 For over a year David wrestled with a guilty conscience because of his adultery with Bathsheba and other crimes which followed and his anguish and desire to be right with God are recorded in Psalm 51 ‘ Have mercy upon me , O God … blot out my transgressions . ’ ( v. 1 ) ‘ Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse me from my sin . ’
14 Once inside , Belinda noted with relief that it was lit mainly by the dim , warm yellow of candles in the centre of each table , which would soften the contours of her figure and save her from a self-consciousness that was probably unnecessary in any case …
15 It is a bit like trying to describe to a blind person what is a horse and distinguishing it from a bull .
16 Horrified security staff rushed to Boris 's aid and saved him from what would have been a hairy trip home .
17 He picked up the tray and followed her from the room .
18 When the meat had shrivelled and curled they waved the sticks in the cold air for a minute , unskewered it , blew off the coating of ash and tossed it from hand to hand until it was cool enough to eat .
19 It was Karl Franz who led the charge of the Reiksguard at the battle of Norduin against the Bretonnians , where the Emperor 's personal valour finally broke the resistance of the Bretonnian flank guard and drove them from the narrow defile which they had defiantly held throughout the battle .
20 Over the centuries this painting acquired a reputation for being miraculous , although in an ill-defined way , so that in 1413 Duke Filippo Maria Visconti decided to build a church to house the work and shelter it from the weather .
21 Jesus has destroyed the devil 's work and delivered you from the power of sin .
22 Twenty years later , after including a pledge to abolish the Lords in the 1983 manifesto and dropping it from the 1987 manifesto , the Labour party again committed itself to reform of the Lords : now they planned to replace it with an elected chamber designed more to reflect the diversity of the nation and the regions , but with less legislative power .
23 The Friendship , Co-operation and Mutual Assistance Treaty , first signed in 1948 [ see p. 9228 ] , bound Finland to a military defence pact and prevented it from joining any international organization whose members posed a military threat to the Soviet Union — a definition which had been taken to include the EC .
24 It made her think of bath night at Lyra Street ; of the ritual carrying-in of the tub and filling it from pans and kettles set to boil on bright red coals .
25 reverse the order of the columns and listen to each pair of sentences ( helps flexibility and keeps you from getting into a rut )
26 Needs some help and gets it from Thomson who started this move off and lifted in towards Agnew , Cooper clears it still has n't gone out and er Phillips just prevented it I think going for a corner , yes it 's a throw .
27 BNP stickers were found bearing the slogans : Love the White Race , Outlaw Homosexuality and Protect Us From AIDS .
28 Jones was modest about her poetry and concealed it from her friends in Oxford .
29 A full understanding of poetry requires that both principles are seen to be at work , for to analyze the laws of poetry without taking account of those of ordinary language would be to overlook the specifically verbal nature of poetry and to transform it from the domain of language to that of music .
30 The wetness of the rags does not accomplish much but the wood gets heated and the rags may insulate the hot wood and prevent it from cooling too quickly .
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