Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 If you have quick release wheels , take off the front wheel and lock it to the frame and back wheel .
2 Alternatively , an economical and effective way of securing your car is to fit a strong chain and padlock around the steering wheel and attach it to the seat , clutch or brake pedal .
3 Bede perceived in Ceolwulf a love of religion and recommended him to Ecgberht , bishop of York , in 734 as a willing helper in the work of ecclesiastical reform and organization .
4 A friend in Joan 's office was active in the Womens ' Loyalist Action Association and invited her to one of its meetings .
5 If you put your Orc Shaman on a wyvern and fly him to the other end of the battlefield he wo n't be able to use his Waaagh magic .
6 procedure for taking goods out of stock and transferring them to the shop floor
7 If you accept the terms of this Agreement , please complete and sign the enclosed REGISTRATION CARD and return it to your local distributor ( particulars see below ) .
8 Fill in the yellow registration card and return it to the address shown on the card .
9 Just fill in this FREEPOST card and return it to us NOW , and we 'll rush your TOTAL COLOUR KIT to you !
10 As an extra reminder , you could write a special message on a pretty piece of card and fix it to the back of the picture , noting both the date and the event .
11 Make this Thinking Day card and send it to a Rainbow or Brownie friend .
12 Rohmer brought out an ID card and showed it to Cardiff .
13 There they would force Khomeini to negotiate a deal and to broadcast it to the people .
14 Mystics are certain that for brief periods they have been enabled to experience such perception and know themselves to be part of a meaningful whole — one with the way things ultimately are .
15 Her eyes had opened wide in wonder , and the light entered their long-lashed blackness and turned it to a dusky , flecked gold .
16 Lord Hailsham , however , used twentieth century reasoning and applied it to nineteenth century cases .
17 Frodo the Ring bearer does not really want to carry the Ring and offers it to the elf-queen Galadriel .
18 I was wearing the King 's ring , but I took off my Rassendyll family ring and gave it to her .
19 Sendei obtained one from the dispenser and tossed it to her .
20 The award was introduced to encourage companies to formalize environmental reporting and link it to annual financial reports .
21 ‘ So , ’ he was saying to the Prince 's chauffeur as Owen arrived , ‘ you picked the two girls up from the salon and took them to the river at Beni Suef ? ’
22 It 's all right , ’ Sarah said , picking up the purse and giving it to her .
23 He contacted her when he heard of her research into women 's self-defence and invited her to his surgery .
24 As part of the formal assessment , which is complex and thorough , all workstation users are asked to complete the attached Self-Assessment Check-list and return it to C Will by 31 December .
25 Whereas previously each local authority had access to its own business rate revenue , now the central government collected all this revenue and redistributed it to local authorities in proportion to the local population .
26 I 'd join the crimplene brigade , dress out of the Littlewoods club and resign myself to false teeth and a perm by the time I was 30 .
27 Well , that 's the way it goes , Piper , ’ and in the same breath , ‘ look in that canvas bag on the back seat and help yourself to what you want . ’
28 I took a Polaroid photograph and sent it to Colin Willock , our producer — but when I phoned him later , he said , ‘ How long did it take you to set that one up ? ’ ’
29 Joe , I 'm not seeking to close down on discussion about item er , three , one and three , three but in view of the discussion we took this morning , you took this morning about the capital building programme and referring it to er , P A G , may I suggest that they both go that way , unless you have any particular comments to add to .
30 It formed the Bund and committed itself to a critical modus vivendi with the state by declaring itself to be a ‘ church within socialism ’ .
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