Example sentences of "[noun sg] of our [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 If all providers going into trusts and if all er purchasing gon na be done by fund holders , the majority of whom are confident at this stage they 'll become fund holders what actually is the role of the purchasing consortium that be and role of the health authorities , as such er , other than perhaps to collect statistics in the future of our time the climbing and quality of the health service in this area ?
2 Rights of way are an important part of our heritage the road network should not be allowed to degenerate further .
3 For notwithstanding I trust to bring you off happily , with the goodwill of our lord the king and all who best speak for this land , yet I do know there are some who may have other thoughts concerning you .
4 The pale paint splashes , the next one ahead visible all the time , were n't all that marked the trail : it showed signs in broken twigs and scuffed ground of our passage the day before .
5 This is just fine for taking the patient 's temperature , and assessing its current condition , but for a feel for the long-term overall health of our business the opinions from author 's agents are a better guide .
6 Rich Americans , of course , whether healthy or ill — or more precisely their wives and daughters — made tracks for the centres of European culture , though by the end of our period the millionaires were already beginning to establish their pattern of summer residence in custom-built Xanadus along the stern coasts of New England .
7 This is merely a variant of our friend the stress concentration which governs so much of engineering and materials science .
8 Our results , on the other hand , suggest that in the context of our oligonucleotide the GC step has in fact a high positive roll angle value .
9 The genius of the nation , remarkable for its activity and its jealousy ; the general excellence of our education the universal influence of science ; our experience in agriculture ; and the number of horses and cattle , all these were earnests that would abundantly secure the success of the measure , if we should ever decide to adopt it .
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