Example sentences of "[noun sg] of it [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All of those of us who have n't had a heart attack live in fear of it obviously and think
2 I divided some of those files into sub-files and we have got rid of quite a bit of it now so you need n't be frightened of coming back to week-end working .
3 The deposits produced by Vulcanian eruptions are similar to those produced by Surtseyan eruptions , in that they too consist of highly-fragmented material , with a large proportion of it less than one millimetre in size .
4 When speaker A in extract ( 1 ) says ‘ Yes , it 's an enormous problem ’ , speaker B does not have trouble understanding the reference of it even though this is not spelt out ; nor is he perplexed by the use of yes followed by a totally different point .
5 It makes us look impressive , which we are n't because we did n't know the half of it either and had to look it all up .
6 This is that industrial output increased four-fold over the eighteenth century , home consumption of it three-fold and exports six-fold .
7 I remember enjoying every moment of it especially because I was watching my father .
8 get erm a preview of it so that i , er the day it comes out they can do a review on it .
9 But I did n't like the sound of it much when she said it did n't , it was still weeping .
10 I think you would draw a different picture of it here than you would in Manchester or the Derby area .
11 I said yes , but filling all my early evenings with this would prove rather inconvenient on those occasions when I wanted to go out , so we agreed a system whereby I would do some of the work first thing in the morning and the rest of it just after I closed down the switchboard .
12 It was the shock of it more than anything .
13 But then when you do peel them away , whether you can have a potentiality , like the when talked about he talked about either side of his face timeless void that you had to see the limit of it so that you could have erm that that I was in this body and there 's something about this body that I 'm going to go back into the body and then that could differentiate perhaps .
14 The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was the patter , patter , patter of it gently and rhythmically hitting the tiled roof above his head .
15 Heywood was unsure whether SSDs would be able to make use of it fully as they are overwhelmed with the amount of present legislation and have ‘ homophobic views ’ to overcome .
16 How could he make sense of it all unless he could first solve the riddle of himself ?
17 What they do not see , of course , are the tears at the sheer frustration of it all when it hits home at two in the morning .
18 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
19 Erm that way you 'll have an understanding of it rather than just saying , Well this bit is always .
20 One thing we must stipulate ; it is n't a get rich quick course , it 's giving you the background of it so that you can go away with as much information as possible .
21 He came closer to the desk , sitting easily on one corner of it so that their eyes were almost on a level .
22 The idea , the idea of it though and from an auditor 's point of view one of the things they will be looking at is that every one where you wrote when we are not doing this must have a valid reason and a new methodology must be met on how you are going to cover that particular aspect and that must be authorised .
23 Lastly , if any other undertaking is required from a seller on completion , make a note of it here and prepare it now .
24 If you MUST change something make a written note of it so that no muddles arise later .
25 After appel I collected some books from my locker — my locker was in a comer and there was always a pile of block rubbish in front of it so that it was a business to open and shut the door — and went out towards the library .
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