Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [n mass] were [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Among all our other irresistible attractions we had advertised free fishing in the River Meloch and the millpond , and a prospective holiday-maker asked , over the telephone , what kind of fish were to be found there .
2 In that year two hundred and thirty-one daily newspapers served the whole of Africa , with a total circulation of three million copies , yet the majority of sales were at either extremity of the continent : in white-ruled South Africa and Rhodesia in the south , and Egypt in the north .
3 Unlike previous years the majority of sales were at the cheapest end of the price range , between £100 and £500 with works at the top price of £1,750 harder to shift .
4 A flock of sheep were in Goughdale , cropping the turf , dark-wooled , long-horned sheep of the breed called Big Allen Black .
5 From among this small group of people were to be founded the only Iranians who remained with the Shah and Queen in the months to come .
6 Only a handful of people were in the pub and they were all at the other end .
7 They could clearly be smaller if the number of MPs were to be increased , although West Germany manages very well with electorates averaging in 1987 some 183,000 .
8 The manner of his death ensured that more than the usual number of people were at the funeral .
9 They describe it as a terrifying ordeal and although it was around two o'clock in the morning , they say a number of people were in the area and could help their search for the rapist .
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